Page 34 - Issue 58
P. 34

Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023                                       ELITE

                                            The story of the Olive Branch

                                                            Menna Walid- Level 3- Economic- French Section

                       At  a  glance,  I  hesitated  to  write        Since     the     beginning       of     the

                       about  the  current  events  because  of       appearance          of      independence
                       their  severity  and  my  inability  to        movements in the twentieth century,

                       follow  the  news  that  are  getting          The  West  forces  have  learned  that
                       worse every moment. But everything             from  now  on  they  will  not  need  to

                       around reminded me of the case. The            occupy the land and citizens, but they
                       colors,  the  people  on  the  street,  the    will  occupy  our  minds.  That  is  why

                       fruits,  everywhere  I  look  it  reminds      we have turned into some dolls in the
                       me  of  what  is  happening  all  around       hands  of  old  colonizers.  We  follow
                       us,  and  I  keep  trying  to  spread          their  plans  while  being  independent

                       awareness as much as I can.                    of  their  governments  even  though
                                                                      they continue blocking the truth and

                       Yet,  I  am  aware  that  we  cannot           restricting our freedom of speech, but
                       actually  defend  the  accurate  side          this  time  some  people  woke  up  and

                       under  the  current  international             broke  the  silence,  so  we  started
                       circumstances,  that  in  fact,  make  us      diffusing  and  sharing  in  hopes  to

                       even  doubt  our  position.  Not  to           make any change no matter how big
                       mention,  the  mass  and  social  media        or  small.  That’s  why  I  decided  to
                       are continuing to try and force us to          participate  through  the  story  of  the

                       hold  us  back  from  speaking  our            olive branch.
                       minds,  the  truth.  They  have  failed
      33               before  and  they  will  fail  again  from

                       doing so.
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