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ELITE                                     STAND UP AGAINST BULLYING & VIOLENCE           #No_Bullying


                                                                                                                      u b r
                                             the prayer                                                               e b y c   g

                                                                                                                      d n i

                       Prof. Hanan M. Aly, Vice-dean for Education and Student Affairs                                o o h
         On the afternoon of a cold winter day, and while    long and congestion is high at this time of the day.”      t a
         he was sitting in his office busy with his work,    He let out a long sigh, gathered his papers, put on        g
                                                                                                                      i n
         his  phone  rang  and  he  looked  at  it.  To  his  his coat, and sped off.                                 y l l
         surprise,  it  was  his  mother’s  number.  Usually,  As he was driving, he suddenly remembered that he      u b
         she does not call him during work as she knows      was supposed to pick up his children from school         d n a
         the accurate nature of his work and his need to     today and that his wife will meet them at the mall         e c
         focus. However, she sends him a message to call     to  dine  out  and  shop.  So,  he  had  to  call  his  wife  n e l
         later when his time allows it. He came out of his   quickly, saying, “My dear wife, I'm sorry, I won't       o i v
         surprise by the ongoing ringing of his phone, and   be able to pick up the children from school today.”      t s n
         here he said to himself that there is nothing he    "Why? I promised them yesterday and they were so         i a g
         could do but answer. The first thing he heard was   happy  and  excited  to  buy  some  clothes  for  Eid,"  a   y
         his mother’s low voice saying, “My son, I want      replied his wife.                                        a d   l
         to say goodbye to you before my departure.”         "I'll make it up to them and we will go out another      a n o
         His astonishment prevented him from speaking,       time Insha'Allah," he said.                              i t a
         and before he could utter a word, she said, “I’m    "Your  voice  sounds  troubled...  Is  there  something  n r e
         waiting for you at the train station at four o’clock  you're hiding from me? Are you okay? Have you          t n I
         in the afternoon.” And here he burst out saying,    been  assigned  a  task—?"  she  began  to  say  filled    e h t
         “Mom, what kind of travelling is this? Where to?    with worry before he interrupted her and said, "I'm        g n
                                                                                                                      i t
         and  why  didn’t  you  tell  me  before?  Are  you  fine,  but  I  have  to  meet  my  mother  at  the  train  a
         travelling to—?” She interrupted him, saying, "I    station."                                                b e
         hope you are not late." then she hung up.           She  set  off  in  a  flurry  of  questions,  "What  a   e C
         He  sat  in  shock  for  a  few  seconds,  unable  to  surprise? Are you travelling with her? And where?     *
         move. Then he looked at the wall clock in front     And when—?" he interrupted her once more, "No,
         of him, only for him to say, "Oh my God, less       I'll just see her off. You should go home with the
         than an hour and a half left, and the road trip is    children and wait for me."

                                         Vol.1 ,Issue 37, November 2021                                     6
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