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ELITE                                     STAND UP AGAINST BULLYING & VIOLENCE           #No_Bullying


                   Our college is honored with the                                                                    g n

                                                                                                                      y i
                                                                                                                      l l
                 Governmental Excellence Award                                                                        u b
                                                                                                                      e r
                                                                                                                      b y
                                                           Followed by: Jomana Khaled                                 g n
        Elite  magazine  celebrates  the  great  achievement  of  our                                                 i d u
        faculty; receiving the Government Excellence Award for                                                        l c n
        the best government institution at the faculties level. Out                                                   i   l o
        of the 2000 participating institutions and 454 faculties, in                                                  o h
        particular,  the  Faculty  of  Economics  and  Political                                                      c s   t
        Science ranked second at the faculties level, and what an                                                     a   g
        achievement  that  it  is  also  the  only  theoretical  faculty  The Government Excellence Award can be summarized  n i y
        among the top 10 ranked faculties.                   that  in  order  to  achieve  the  sustainable  development  l l u
        The Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Al-Saeed,  strategy, the “Egypt Award for Government Excellence”   b   d
        expressed his gladness and thanks to all members of the  was launched under the management of the Ministry of  n a
        faculty,  from  the  administrative  team  to  the  faculty  Planning and Economic Development, which was held in    e c
        members to the students and staff of the faculty. We do  its  second  session  in  October.  This  award  aims  to  n e l
        not need to mention how much everyone in this special  stimulate the spirit of competition and excellence at the  o i v
        and  unique  institution  has  worked  to  achieve  this  goal  level  of  employees  on  one  hand,  and  at  the  level  of    t s
        because their efforts really illuminate the faculty. These  institutions of government on the other hand. This award,  n i a
        efforts  are  crystal  clear  and  are  proven  by  every  or rather the effectiveness as a whole, also aims to find  g a
        achievement of the faculty.                          the  best  and  most  effective  administrative  strategies  to  y a d
        Also, it is worth noting the role of Elite Magazine in this  adopt  them  and  to  support  the  government  sector  and    l a
        achievement and how grateful the Elite team is to be a  promote it to the highest levels.                     n o i
        part of it.                                          In  accordance  with  the  goal  of  the  Egypt  Award  for  t a
                                                             Government Excellence, the government institutions and   n r e
                                                             agencies that received this award must have implemented
                               #NO_VIOLENCE                                                                           t n I   e h
                                                             all  quality  standards  efficiently  and  raised  the
                                                             administrative  level  of  their  institutions  to  provide  the
                                                                                                                      g t
                                                             best  services  while  achieving  the  requirements  of  their  n i
                                                             employees and the satisfaction of all parties.           a r
                                                             It  is  not  surprising  that  the  Faculty  of  Economics  and  b e l
                                                             Political Science won this position. Everyone there works  e C *
                                                             hard  and  collaborates  to  achieve  the  best  output,  and
                                                             develop  educational  means  in  all  ways  to  create
                                                             generations that build the future.
                                                             Finally,  we  would  like  to  thank  everyone  who
                                                             contributed  to  this  achievement,  especially  the  Dean  of
                                                             the College, Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Al-Saeed.

                                         Vol.1 ,Issue 37, November 2021                                     5
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