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ELITE                                     STAND UP AGAINST BULLYING & VIOLENCE           #No_Bullying


       She  looked  at  him  with  kindness  and  tenderness, She answered him as she opened her bag to show            g n
       saying,  "There  is  no  need  for  preparations."  He him  what  was  inside,  "I  carry  your  picture  and  d u l
       hurriedly said, "I want to know immediately where is other pictures of many people that I drew from my         c n
       your destination? And when will you come back?"        imagination."                                           l o o
       She  was  silent  and  did  not  answer  him,  so  he He questioned, while looking inside the bag, "Who        h c
       furrowed  his  eyebrows  and  looked  at  her  with  a are  all  of  these?  What  are  their  names  and      s   t a
       surprised  face  and  with  a  quavering  voice,  he  said, numbers? So, I could ask them about you to check     g n
       "Mom, why didn't you answer my calls?"                 on you?                                                 i y l l
       "I left my phone at home," she replied, lowering her She  said  as  she  bid  him  farewell,  "I  don't  know  u b
       head and looking at the ground.                        their numbers and I don't remember most of their        n a
       He suddenly rose up and said, "How shall I check on names.  All  I  know  is  that  I  helped  this  one,        e c
       you  and  make  sure  that  everything  is  going  well, understood  that  one,  solved  the  problem  of  this,  n e l
       then?"                                                 comforted this and comforted that,... Their prayers     o i v
       Here, she stood up, and gently stated, "It is time to for me may benefit me."                                  s n
       leave."                                                She  was  overwhelmed  with  tears  as  she  put  her   i a g
       He, in turn, stood looking at the seat and on his right hand in the bag and took out a big key. She gave it    a   y
       and left, wondering, "Where is your bag, mom? Your to him and ran away quickly, so he called after her         a d   l
       clothes,  your  books,  your  computer,  your  reading saying, "Mom, wait! What is this?"                      a n
                                                              "This key is my prayer for you, it will open closed
       glasses, and—"          #NO_BULLYING                                                                           o i t a
       She  interrupted  him  and  grabbed  her  little  handbag doors  for  you,"  she  said,  hurrying  to  the  far  n r e
       and said, "I don't need all these things anymore."     sidewalk.                                               t n I
       He  looked  at  her  in  astonishment,  "What  are  you He couldn't control himself while he ran after her,      e h t

       carrying  in  this  little  bag,  then?  Is  it  our  travel calling:  "Mom...Mom..."  He  couldn't  see  her    g n
       biscuits?"                                             anymore, she's gone out of sight.                       i t a
       She answered him as she started to move, "No, I only                                                           b e
       carry my ID and some pictures."                                                                                l e C
       He  hurried  after  her,  "What  pictures?  Could  you                                                         *
       please let me see them?"

                                         Vol.1 ,Issue 37, November 2021                                     8
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