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What do we know about climate y c
n g
u l
challenges ? (a discssion) c n
l i
Carolin sherif -Jomana Khaled -Mostafa Maher-Assile Mostafa-Hana Zakria- Mark Nabil-Hania Bahaa h c
God has endowed man with countless and innumerable At first, our question was, is the student interested in a
things. He gave him life and given him the mind to know climate issues or not? g n
i y
how to manage it. He was given the choice to either be Answers mostly showed that there is no great interest in l l
good or to choose corruption. The manifestations of divine these issues. Some even said that they were not aware of the u b
giving are evident to us when God chose our master Adam existence of such conference in the first place. However, d n
from all other creatures to build and populate the Earth. one Law student showed her disappointment, “I feel a e
Not only this, but the matter is that God has made us his resentful because unfortunately, no courses are taught in the c n e
successors on this Earth. Meaning that we are on his behalf Faculty of Law on environmental law." and she added that l o i
in it to take its good and avoid its evil, but things don't this is due to her interest in it. v t
always go as planned. Then we moved on to another question. s n i
The Glasgow Climate Conference was held on October the Did the student know that the Glasgow Summit will be a g
31st and will continue till November the 12th. It is a held on 1 and 2 November this year? How often does the a y
conference that was established to put an end to the student follow up on issues related to climate change? a d
violations of God’s successors on his land on the planet We found out that everyone asked, without exception, l a
and a well-known occasion to inform the whole world answered that they did not know the timing of the n o i t
about the latest environmental developments that our conference and that they only heard about the topic through a n
planet has reached. That's why, we -the Elite team- decided social networking sites. Thus, it became clear throughout r e t
to interview some Cairo University students to ask them the interview that issues related to the environment are not n I
about this conference, as an initiative to educate everyone popular among the majority of students and that many of e h t
about the importance of preserving the environment. Our them do not care about such issues. g n
meetings with these students were very fruitful and the We asked them to rate on a scale from 1 to 10, how bad i t a
questions went as follows: they think climate change is? r b
The responses differed slightly; where one student said, e l
"The planet will not last for more than five years, I say it is e C *
bad by 8.5." Another answered, "8/10 due to the
environmental disasters that can occur." She also mentioned
that climate change affects her daily life. Other answers
were more pessimistic; which goes on to reflect the slight
difference in the points of view with regards to this matter.
Vol.1 ,Issue 37, November 2021 9