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ELITE                                     STAND UP AGAINST BULLYING & VIOLENCE           #No_Bullying



         On the road, he tried to call his mother over and “travel biscuits”. And she would take him for a            u l
         over, but to no avail, she wouldn't answer. So, walk after her work and buy him a simple gift so             n i
         he  began  to  go  crazy  with  thoughts  and  he that it would remain a souvenir from everywhere            o o h
         recalled what she had said in her brief call. He    they went.                                               c s
         then  began  to  remember  what  she  did  in  her  While  he  was  lost  in  his  memories,  he             t a   g
         previous travels to many provinces. Whether to      remembered that his mother asked him to come             n i y
         attend  a  conference,  discuss  a  thesis,  offer  her  at  four  o’clock.  He  looked  at  his  watch  and  it  l l u
         condolences, or for any other reason.               was quarter to four, then he looked at the road          b   d n
         She used to tell him before travelling, so that he  and sighed, saying, "There is a lot of distance to       a   e
         would  book  her  train  tickets  back  and  forth,  go and I’m running out of time." So, he decided         c n e
         reserve a place for residence and drive her to the  to take the sideway alleys at full speed. After a        l o i v
         station.  He  remembered  that  she  preferred  to  while he arrived at the station and it was seven           t s n

         travel early in the morning, asking him to book                                                              i a g
         the first train.                                    minutes before four.                                     a   y
         But  today?  He  couldn't  understand  what  had    He left the car, got down quickly and entered the        a d   l
         happened,  and  what  the  matter  was  with  this  station searching all the faces in hopes of finding      a n o
         sudden  travel?  Was  she  going  to  their  village?  what  he  was  looking  for,  and  in  a  far  seat  he  i t a
         Here,  he  remembers  that  there  is  no  longer  a  found her. She rose quickly and happily, raising       n r e
         place to go after the death of his uncles and the   her arms in the air to embrace him. She hugged           t n I
         sale of the family house.                           him tightly and a tear escaped from her eyes, but        e h t
         As questions multiplied in his mind, he began to    she  tried  to  hide  it  before  kissing  his  forehead    g n i
         remember  his  memories  with  his  mother  when    and  saying,  "Son,  forgive  me.  I  must  have         t a r
         she would take him with her on her travels. She disturbed you and spoiled your day, I just missed            b e l e
         would  bring  stories  to  read  to  him  while you and wanted to say goodbye."                              C *
         traveling  when  he  was  young,  but  he  used  to He took her by the hand, patted her shoulder, sat

         read them alone while she was busy reading her her down and sat next to her then said, "What is
         books. They would always eat chocolate biscuits wrong mother? I was so worried about you; you
         together, so much so they called it                 should have told me earlier so I would arrange

                                                             matters for you."
                                         Vol.1 ,Issue 37, November 2021                                     7
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