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ELITE                                     STAND UP AGAINST BULLYING & VIOLENCE           #No_Bullying


                                    Women against feminism!                                                           n i d
                                                                                                                      l u

                                                                                                                      o o
                                                Yasmeen Aladdin Abdel-Atey                                            h c
                      Teaching Assistant, Political Science Department & Research Assistant at                        s   t
                                                    Women's Studies Unit                                              a   g
         We often hear plenty of rhetoric that orbits around                                                          n i y l
         the idea that the real enemy to a woman is indeed                                                            l u b
          woman themselves; and that feminism is merely an                                                            n a
         ideological  framework  aimed  at  destroying  the                                                             e c
         values  and  foundations  of  society  and  at                                                               n e l
         generalizing  the  grievances  of  women,  which  had  This hashtag was able to spread widely throughout     o i v
         transpired out of thin air… These unfounded theses    social media, especially on Twitter, Facebook, and     t s n
         alongside  many  other  commonly  shared  notions     YouTube, and it provided the opportunity for some      i a g
         concerning how women view each other and how          to share pictures (of women) accompanied by posts      a   y
         we  view  feminism  as  well  as  the  stereotypes    whose content starts with the claim that they do not   a d   l
         attached  to  it  have  formed  the  basic  background  need feminism. This trend considered feminism to     a n
         against which we judge the ideology. Having such a    be a harmful or toxic ideology that promotes hatred    o i t a
         distorted and malformed basis of misconceptions as    of  men  and  marginalizes  their  traditional  roles  in  n r e
         your  starting  point  for  your  mental  image  of   society, which they on the other hand are strongly     t n I
         feminism  and  its  essential  role  in  defending    attempting  to  preserve.  In  addition,  this  hashtag    e h
         women’s issues has managed to frame and give rise     was able to document the view that discredits the      t   g n
         to the idea: “I am not a feminist and I do not need   existence  of  a  so-called  "patriarchal  system"  and  i t a

         it” amongst women. Such rise is no more evident       regards  it  as  a  myth  or  illusion.  Additionally,  it  r b e
         and  articulated  than  in  the  launch  of  the  hashtag  questions  the  credibility  of  what  they  see  as  the  l e C
         ‘#WomenAgainstFeminism’  on  Tumblr  in  2014-        feminist  perspective  of  dividing  society  into  two  *
         2017 as a reaction to the feminist campaign ‘Who      groups one of “the rapist men” and another of “the
         needs Feminism?’ launched earlier.                    victimized  women”  and  many  other  ideas
                                                               associated  originally  with  efforts  focused  on

                                                               destroying  feminist  thought  and  its  various
                                         Vol.1 ,Issue 37, November 2021                                     11
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