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ELITE                                     STAND UP AGAINST BULLYING & VIOLENCE           #No_Bullying

        Then, we moved on to ask them whether from their points
        of  view,  the  climate  change  crisis  affects  their  daily  lives
        from near or far?
        We  found out that all the responses unanimously agreed that
        the climate change crisis affected their daily lives, even if the
        degree of impact varied from one interviewee to another.
        One  of  the  students  justified  her  answer  by  saying,  “Climate
        change led to the withering of many coral reefs. It also had a
        direct impact on marine life in general.”
        She continued, "Water temperature was also affected, so much
        so  that  the  sea  became  warm  in  the  winter  and  cold  in  the  so  that  the  answers  come  mostly  in  agreement  with  the
        summer."                                             importance of the role of the developed countries in the issue  g
        "Temperatures,  in  general,  have  become  quite  extreme;  the  of  containing  the  crisis,  due  to  what  they  can  do  in  finding  n i y
        summer has become extremely hot," she concluded by saying  solutions  and  creating  appropriate  infrastructure  for  this,  as  l l u
        that  she  believes  that  all  of  this  is  due  to  climatic  change.  well as their unlimited ability to rely on renewable and costly  b r
        Therefore, we can see that this explanation is based on a real  sources of energy.                            e b
        life  experience  that  she  went  through  despite  it  affecting  her  but the whole issue constitutes a crisis only if we look To the  y c
        from afar not in her daily life.                     developing  countries  that  possess  old  energy  sources  such  as  g n i
        Another  student  talked  about  the  harsh  degree  to  which  the  coal,  oil,  and  gas,  which  have  very  dangerous  effects  on  the  d u
        climate  has  reached  as  a  result  of  global  warming.  She  environment, and therefore, to contain the crisis, international  l c n
        elaborated on her point of view by saying, “Look how things  solidarity is required at the highest level to transfer expertise  i   l
        have turned out to be; the summer has become very hot while  and  experiences  and  together  to  eliminate  this  crisis,  and  o o h
        the winter is very cold.”                            everyone  believes  that  the  issue  of  change  The  climate  has  c s
        Here, we can see that she is talking about the effect closely.  become  critical  and  it  is  necessary  to  intervene  and  provide    t a
        For  it  is  known  that,  the  nature  of  the  climate  in  Egypt  is  appropriate  solutions  and  even  work  to  implement  them  as    g
        moderate in both winter and summer.                  soon  as  possible  so  that  the  situation  does  not  get  out  of  n i y
        And we added a question: Are gases emitted from the main  control.                                            l l u
        causes of the temperature rise? And if that is true, in your  And finally, they were asked what avenues can be taken in  b   d
        opinion, what are the appropriate measures that the state  Egypt to become a more climate-conscious country at the  n a
        can take to reduce these emissions?                  micro and macro level? And finally, are you ready to “start    e c
        In addition, they were asked that knowing that the increase in  with yourself” to sacrifice some of the daily habits that we  n e
        emissions of Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide leads to  practice that may harm nature and lead to climate change,  l o i
        the risk of premature death, can you legalize the use of your car  or do you see that the solution to this problem begins only  v   t
        or "gasoline consuming" public transportation as a campaign to  with  the  countries  themselves  taking  the  necessary  s n
        reduce  air  pollution?  ,  we  find  everyone  agreeing  to  this  measures?                                 i a g
        proposition that gas emissions are one of the main reasons for  for  different  answers  to  come  from  everyone.  They  made  a
        the  temperature  rise,  and  everyone  agreed  on  the  need  to  suggestions in this regard. We find one of the students saying,  y a d
        provide  solutions  to  solve  the  gas  emissions  crisis  that  “We  in  Egypt  need  to  educate  simple  people  about  the    l
        increases  the  climate  problem.  With  the  need  to  address  the  problems  and  dangers  that  we  face  if  we  do  not  change  our  a n o
        emissions resulting from the operation of these factories in any  habits.  We  also  need  state  bodies      i t
                               #NO_BULLYING that  monitor  the  problems
        modern way, while some saw the need to reduce dependence  and  always  suggest  alternative  solutions.  And  this  is  the  a n r
        on old energy sources that pollute the environment and move  opinion  that  a  large  number  of  students  agreed  with,  and  e t
        to modern, renewable energy sources that are clean and non-  everyone  was  fully  prepared  to  begin  by  himself  to  sacrifice  n I
        polluting  to  the  environment,  and  thus  reduce  the  impact  of  some  of  the  daily  habits  that  he  practices  to  preserve  the  e h t
        greenhouse  gas  emissions  such  as  carbon  dioxide,  Everyone  environment, even if some see the need for states to intervene    g n
        agreed  in  the  matter  of  reducing  gasoline  and  using  public  and provide radical solutions that are imposed on their peoples.  i t
        transportation  to  reduce  the  risks  resulting  from  them  and  The  first  is  to  educate  them  and  raise  them  to  respect  the  a r b
        causing damage to the environment, but in this case, they wish  environment and preserve their planet so that the incident does  e l
        for appropriate solutions, although some see the need to move                                                 e C *
        to the stage of operating vehicles with renewable energy such  not happen and things get out of control one day.
        as electricity, which reduces the risks of pollution. While some
        praised the Egyptian state's approach now, which is presenting
        a  good  initiative  to  reduce  the  use  of  fuel  that  harms  the
        environment, by replacing vehicles Those that use gasoline are
        other  modern  vehicles  that  use  natural  gas  and  electricity  to
        reduce the expected risks to the environment.
        And we wanted to know, Do they think that the developed
                                         Vol.1 ,Issue 37, November 2021
        countries of the world can make decisions that contain the                                          10
        climate  change  crisis?  Do  they  think  issues  related  to
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