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ELITE                                     STAND UP AGAINST BULLYING & VIOLENCE           #No_Bullying


               How  was  your  relationship  with  your  professors?  And  And our relationship with the professors was a beautiful one  b r e
       What are your most memorable situations?On  the  occasion  especially  the  pedagogical  part  was  interestingly  influential,  b y
       of  this,  I  remember  a  funny  and  interesting  anecdote  about  and we've received a lot of advice from them over the years  c   g
       joining the State Department:    I was the sixth of the top 10 in  and  it  has  left  its  impact  on  us  .  Especially  the  Faculty’s  n i d
       my  political  science  class,  and  there  were  the  top  10  in  the  Dean/ Dr. Zaki Shafi and D. Owda who always had objective  u l
       economics department. Dean of that time /Dr. Mohammad Zaki  perspectives , and certainly Dr. Boutros Ghali, from whom I  c n i
       Shafyy  was  with  the  group  of  senior  professors  such  as  D.  learned how to separate and define subjects and not to overlap    l o
       Boutros Boutros Ghali and D. Ahmed Sowelam, and they were  them. In addition to, Dr. Saeed Al-Najjar, who had the most  o h
       the  principal  supervisors  of  the  Ministry  of  Foreign  Affairs’  smooth  teaching  methods  and  finally  a  professor  whom  I'd  c s
       entrance  examinations,  since  the  Faculty  was  once  the  first  rather  not  mention  the  name,  and  he  was  questioning  our  t a
       political institute. Then, They suggested to the Ministry that they  access to the State Department, joking that we wouldn't rise  g n
       could accept the top 20 in the State Department instead of re-  above the Ministry's "guard" level, but I learned from him to  y l
       taking  the  examination  with  the  same  content  that  they  had  speak flawless classic Arabic.            l u b
       already  studied  and  passed  from  college,  given  that  the                                                  d n
       diplomatic examinations were directly related to our studies in  For  Egypt,  How  would  you  assess  its  current  relationship  a   e
       our four years of education. When I arrived with my colleagues  with the world? What are its most important challenges and  c n
       to pick up the job, two colleagues only were accepted with the  opportunities?                                 e l
       requirement  to  go  through  an  interview  by  an  Agent  working   When we travelled abroad, Egypt was the one who represented  o i v
       there. So, we went the second day to the office of the Under-  us  before  the  world,  not  the  other  way  around.  In  view  of    t s
       Secretary-General,  who  asked  us  to  leave,  but  we  objected  Egypt's rich status, it is particularly well known for its ancient  n i a
       because the request for our hiring came from the Ministry, not  civilization throughout the world. Our mission was to represent  g a
       the other way around. We acted upon it and submitted a paper to  Egypt  in  terms  of  not  allowing  anyone  to  “insult”  it  and  to    y a
       protest, which led us to be hired as researchers in the Ministry  defend the State’s policy, even if we didn’t completely agree  d   l
       but  we,  still,  took  the  exam  for  them  to  assess  our  proven  with  it.  Our  diplomatic  work  requires  putting  aside  all  a n
       competence, and 15 of us passed. And that was my story when I  differences and paying attention to presenting and representing  o i t
       started working in the State Department.              whichever the policy of State in any given era.          a n
       Also,  the  importance  of  our  two-year  study  at  the  Diplomatic  Emphasizing the importance of studying Egypt's present stage  r e
       Institute has been determined, where we were taught by our old  or  any  given  stage,  I  remember  when  I  was  in  Chile,  I  was  t n I
       teachers at the Faculty and re-studied its content. As a result, We  asked  by  the  chairman  of  the  “Masriim”  Group  to  cooperate  e h
       must  not  deny  the  contribution  of  the  nature  of  teaching,  and teach lectures on Egypt at that time. I have gladly accepted  t   g
       especially the scientific research curriculum of the faculty, to the  the requirement to speak about that era AND the present one  n i t
       distinction of my colleagues and I, which has contributed to our  because of its importance and the importance of its knowledge.  a r
       acquisition of analytical skills and the ability to behave and to be  As  for  the  opportunities  and  challenges  facing  now,  my  b e l
       prepared to deal with different situations while not relying only  personal  opinion  is  that  the  most  important  challenge  is  the  e C
       on  theoretical  studies  only  but  continuing  with  research  and   need to create a climate to attract investment, which is already  *
        more and more studies.                               supported by the presence of large investment opportunities and
                                                             very  acceptable  infrastructure,  but  the  climate  remains
                                                             inadequate. And that's the biggest challenge now.

                                         Vol.1 ,Issue 37, November 2021                                     3
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