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ELITE                                     STAND UP AGAINST BULLYING & VIOLENCE           #No_Bullying


                        An interview with his excellency                                                              e b

                      ambassador Rakha ahmed Hassan                                                                   i d

                 Dr.Caroline Sherif - Rosanne El Fayed (Sophomore, political science)                                 c


       Elite Magazine had the honor of interviewing this issue with one  Why  have  chosen  Political  Science  as  major?  How  did  it  a   g
       of the Faculty's Elite alumni who, with his distinctive allure and  contribute to your character formation?    n i y
       love of knowledge, was able to create his own aura, being a vital  My  major  choice  may  have  been  a  direct  reflection  of  my  l l u
       source of pride to our lovely faculty. His unique personality and  interests in politics, history and literature from my days at high  b   d
       critic  perspective,  led  him  to  become  once  a  former  Assistant  school and even before. And my interest and love for the major  n a
       Secretary  of  State.  So,  We  are  pleased  to  welcome  His  was strengthened after studying in depth its subjects, especially    e c
       Excellency Ambassador / Rakha Ahmed Hassan, member of the  Economy, which, in my view, is the main nerve of world affairs,  n e
       Egyptian Foreign Affairs Council, and we would like to express  but Politic remains its driving tool. My interest was confirmed  l o i
       our gratitude for his willingness to answer some of the questions  and  even  increased  after  I  was  at  the  Faculty  simultaneously  v   t
       that we will be asking in this interview giving us an opportunity  with  the  most  important  political  event  of  that  time,  the  Cold  s n
       to learn more about his distinct mindset.              War, and our teachers were telling us about it and analyzing it.   i a g
       And we turn excitedly to the questions:                My  personal  interests  and  hobbies,  which  I  mentioned  before,  a   y
                                                              are consistent with my study of them as a university approach  a d
       How did your journey start with FEPS? And Why have you  that has contributed to my sense of self - fulfilment in this field.    l a
       chosen it?                                              From the beginning, I looked forward to working in the political  n o
       My first choice was to study at the Faculty of Economics and  or  media  domain,  as  they  were               i t a
                               #NO_BULLYINGthe  fields  that  allowed  me  to
       Political Science, although it was relatively “new”, the second  thrive  and  achieve  what  I  hoped.  So,  I  was  one  of  the  first  n r
       was Law, the third one was Business College. Since I occupied  applicants for diplomatic service.              e t n
       the 11th place as an honor student at the republic level, my first                                             I   e
       choice was effective immediately. And that’s how it started.  Who are grateful for, your excellency?           h t
       As  for  my  choice,  it  was  because  of  my  interest  in  pursuing  My  gratitude  is  not  directed  at  a  particular  person.  I  was  g n
       political affairs and my passion for readings in that matter and in  influenced  by  many  people,  including  my  aforementioned  i t a
       general. Thus, I chose political science as my major, and I was  teachers,  and  my  readings,  which  contributed  to  the  idea  of  r b
       taught by some great professors in this department.                                                            e l
                                                              "Collecting  a  flower  from  every  garden."  Each  of  these  e C
                                                              professors  and  others  had  an  impact  on  my  personality  in  a  *
                                                              particular element. Each one left his own mark on my mindset
                                                              and personality.

                                                              "Collecting a flower from every garden."

                                         Vol.1 ,Issue 37, November 2021                                     2
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