Page 12 - Issue 33
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                ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 33, July 2021                          Express freely
                                                                                                Exprimer librement

                                                  Cover image

    Dr.  Mohammed:  What  were  the  most  important  points  in  the  Mohamed Ashraf a TA in Political Science: Is it possible that
    drafting of the Libyan constitution?                      Abdul Hamid dobiba is the cause of the disruption of the road
    First,  disagreement  over  governance  and  the  definition  of  map as a businessman who could use his position for economic
    governance.  Do  we  want  a  presidential,  semi-presidential  or  gain?  What  is  the  role  of  foreign  intervention  in  the  next
    parliamentary  system?  And  also  there  were  a  lot  of  debates  and  phase?
    disagreements  about  the  state  system,  federal  or  central,  and  The Prime Minister in his own councils says that they will not be
    eventually, the project ended up being a decentralized state, which is  able  to  hold  elections.  He  favors  extending  the  transition  period.
    the opposite of the historic constitution. The 1951 Constitution was  We have a problem in the Arab world in general.
    based  on  the  federal  system,  but  this  new  system  is  perplexing  A large part of the ongoing conflict is called proxy warfare, run by
    decentralization,  that  is,  there  are  governors  and  local  councils  other  large  parties,  Egypt  being  one  of  those  parties,  Haftar  is
    elected, but we tried to weigh between extended decentralization and  backed by Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia,
    normal decentralization, and this will be applicable. The regime of  Russia, France, and, on the other hand, Qatar and Turkey. There
    government  will  be  presidential  and  in  our  Arab  world  it  is  can be additional players, but this is clear, and the national role is
    considered  semi-presidential,  but  the  quasi-presidential  systems  in  very important in this because foreign parties are not the decision-
    which the regime is very strong when the Prime Minister has very  makers but the main drivers. We are now in a period of temporary
    large  powers,  the  President  has  few  powers,  there  are  almost  truce  or  a  warrior's  break,  and,  very,  unfortunately,  decisions
    presidential quasi-presidential regimes, and the Prime Minister is not  coming  up  are  doomed,  especially  decisions  regarding  elections,
    considered to have powers, which is mostly the direction of Libya.  because there are so many stalkers. As a result, the circumstances
    There was also a major discussion on the role of Islamic law. The  could lead to a war to come.
    Libyan Constitution recognized that Islamic law would be the main  What  is  the  fact  that  some  Libyan  researchers  are  offering
    source of legislation. Then there was also a lot of discussion about  popular support and the fact that public opinion and support
    rights and freedoms. However, the Constitution omits many things,  for the Libyan project are the reason for the delay in achieving
    including  the  clarification  of  the  powers  of  the  armed  forces  in  the Libyan constitutional path?
    political life. They also overlooked the composition of the judiciary,  I don't pretend to know what individuals think, but in my personal
    and they didn't say how it was forming. But as a whole, it is a very  belief, the Libyan people have lost a lot of confidence in Libyan
    good constitution, but I think there is a big difference between the  parties,  and  the  evidence  is  that  when  the  constitution  drafting
    written  document  and  its  application.  In  the  end,  Libya  has  committee  was  elected,  Libyans  strongly  insisted  that  the
    established  a  constitutional  court,  and  constitutional  courts  are  committee should not belong to any political parties. Are Libyan
    supposed  to  have  some  influence,  and  they  have  a  leading  role  in  politicians  representing  the  Libyan  people?  Of  course,  but  not
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    interpreting the constitution, and we hope that they will consolidate  entirely, and nobody fully likes the document, but in its entirety, it
    the constitution.                                         is a very good constitution and covers many expectations. There is
                                                              now a trend that there will be an amendment to the referendum and
                                                              that  each  Territory  alone  will  be  completed  even  though  it  is
                                                              essentially a plebiscite.

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