Page 16 - Issue 33
P. 16

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                ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 33, July 2021                          Express freely
                                                                                                Exprimer librement

                                       exploring the state  measures to empower


                                                                                            by Rawane nader

    Women are the nucleus of society and are the entity that must be    And others initiatives like” Our future initiative is in our hand
    appreciated, respected and supported so that we have promising  ’these initiatives have as their principal aim is to help women
    generations. In most of our Arab society, since women do not  head  households,  so  as  not  to  create  burden  on  society,  but
    enjoy their rights and no one cares about their efforts and work,  become more productive and effective. The ministry of social
    thus we must care about them to have a good society without  solidarity have also coordinate with various entities in order to
    violence. Recently, many initiatives and programs have begun  initiative to develop children's spaces aimed to allow women to
    to solve women's problems and hear their issues. According to  work  without  any  obstacle  or  constraint  that  stands  between
    social media, public cadres have been able to know the needs of  her and the work. One of the most important projects of the
    women  in  terms  of  education,  attention  to  their  health,  ministry  of  international  cooperation  is  “Nedaa"  that  aim  to
    especially in rural areas. There have been many campaigns to  higher  citizens  standard  of  living.  In  terms  of  micro  and
    raise women's awareness of cancer and the need for ongoing and  medium  promotion  and  to  create  programs  to  strengthen
    early detection, as well as campaigns to raise awareness about  agricultural development. The initiative “Nedaa” trains many
    the importance of birth control in order to preserve their safety  men and women in Upper Egypt in agriculture filed and skills
    and the safety of their children, as well as to address the issue of  development especially Egyptian crafts and industries. As it is
    circumcision  and  its  serious  impact  on  the  physical  and  considers as authentic Egyptian heritage, that draw attention to
    psychological health of girls. Among the awareness companies,  the world by its exceptional beauty. It also trains and educates
    the  implications  of  the  sustainable  development  strategy  of  girls to read and write in literacy classes as well as teaching
    Egypt in 2030 to put into consideration women’s issues in all  them life skills in order to give them the ability to raise their
    respects. Therefore, this strategy will mainly work on women’s  children  healthy  and  healthy  in  order  to  have  a  bright  and
    economic empowerment and to promote a better state of well-  promising generation. Education was given to embroidery and
    being. Especially for women who heads households, thus they  sewing skills so that they could open small and medium-sized
    had  great  responsibility  toward  children.  Consequently,  the  legislators.  The  "Women-Friendly  City"  has  already  been
    authorities to guarantee that women can lead a decent lives, they  opened  near  to  the  Egyptian  Public  Library  and  was
    must  ensure  employment  opportunities,  encourage  women’s  inaugurated in the presence of Dr. Manal Awad, Governor of
    education  so  that  could  acquire  new  skills  and  competences,  Damietta, and Dr. Maya Morsi. This project is the product of
    thus to deal with markets developments. By the way, micro and  cooperation  between  the  National  Council  for  Women  and  a
    medium enterprise incubation is very crucial by the government.  grant  from  the  United  Nations  Women's  Authority.  This
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                   ﺤ  ﺒﻋel  Fattah  el  Sisi  promulgated  a
    In  mars  2017,  President  Abd                            project  includes  an  exhibition  of  products,  and  there  are  a
    number  of  decisions  to  support  the  female  heads  of  special  area  for  children  and  a  special  area  for  reading.  All
    households.Which  included  initiation  for  small  and  medium  these projects and initiatives that have already been launched
    business projects that is funded by several donors such as, Nasr  are supportive of women. On the other hand, in ensuring that
    bank, Tahya Misr Fund and the ministry of social solidarity.  women  and  their  children  have  a  safe  environment  with  all
                                                               services for children,
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