Page 17 - Issue 33
P. 17
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ELITE Vol.1, Issue 33, July 2021 Express freely
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Street children: The crisis, lABOUR AND STATE
Alyiaa Assem - Third year
The phenomenon of street children is a fact whose existence is In a certain way, but there are some clear reasons - especially in
inescapable. It is a time bomb, and a civilized tragedy, which can be Egypt - that confirm that such a phenomenon did not come
classified among the most important tragedies and the most randomly and did not arise haphazardly. Among the most
dangerous phenomena that plague societies in our contemporary time, important of these reasons are disintegration and family violence,
whether Arab or non-Arab, given their effects and risks on the future poor economic conditions, child abuse, unplanned urban growth,
of countries. Socially, economically and politically, some dangers the spread of informal settlements, the demand for child labor, and
necessitated the society to wake up from its slumber to sound the the weakness of control agencies.
alarm; Because, as some say: “the factors intertwine and combine to The spread of this phenomenon results in problems and negative
create the phenomenon, as they overlap and push each other, so each effects, and this is reflected in security, health, and social problems
factor becomes a cause and effect, an influence and a reflection in (the spread of illiteracy, ignorance, and underdevelopment, and the
dialectical relations.” high rate of unemployment among adults) and psychological
These children are victims and not perpetrators in the first place; problems, which in turn are reflected in the suffering of these
Because they are victims of certain circumstances that led them to children from physical and moral backwardness, dulled sense and
embrace the street instead of their families and homes. Definitions of lack of emotion, in addition to the lack of trust in others. Not
street children vary, but according to the definition given by communicating with the community.
UNICEF, it classified street children into two categories: Looking at the state’s recent efforts to confront the phenomenon of
The category of children who live on the street permanently or street children, we will find that in 2016, the political leadership
outside the normal family environment, i.e. those whose relations indicated the need to pay attention to the file of this issue that
with their families are cut off or they do not have families at all, and devours the present and destroys the future, and the Ministry of
their presence on the street is characterized by continuity and Social Solidarity developed a strategy to confront this phenomenon
permanence. and launched the “Homeless Children” program, the results of
The category of children who live on the street, that is, those who which appeared And its positive effects to date, the program works
practice marginal occupations such as begging and selling, and some to protect homeless children at the Ministry of Social Solidarity by
of them contribute to the income of their families and some of them providing care and rehabilitation services for them and integrating
may even go to school, but at the same time, they retain some them into society in line with the ministry's policy, which depends
belonging to their families and spend part of the day in housing that on the immediate drying of the sources to reduce the phenomenon
brings them together with the family. and intervention. The program also sets quality standards for social
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Some several reasons and motives led to the existence of this care institutions, partnership with civil society and the business
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phenomenon, which was considered very important because knowing sector, and supports NGOs and institutions, as the program deals
the cause determines the quality of treatment and the prescription of with 19 social care institutions affiliated with "Al Tadamun" that
medicine, so there is no treatment except after diagnosis, and receive children and 10 local and international organizations to
diagnosis only by stating the cause or reasons, and the causes of the provide various activities in preparation for their rehabilitation and
phenomenon of street children cannot be limited or determined. integration into the society.