Page 20 - Issue 33
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                ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 33, July 2021                          Express freely
                                                                                                Exprimer librement

    victory of his view and the defeat of capitalism with its At  this  stage,  capitalism  scholars  were  able  to
    counter-ideology,  he  made  it  his  main  concern  to develop  the  capitalist  theory  and  address  its
    explain  how  capitalism  will  fall  and  end  when  a shortcomings.  We  find  that  they  dealt  with  the

    certain  point  is  reached  due  to  the  class  struggle  on problem  of  surplus  value  by  increasing  workers’
    which  he  built  the  entirety  of  his  ideas,  which  was salaries and their development over time, obtaining
    absolutely  correct.  Evidence  was  pointing  to  the increases  and  their  participation  in  the  additional

    arrival of capitalism - as Marx claims - to extinction. profits  earned  by  the  company,  and  most
    Marx  made  it  clear  through  many  of  his  writings, importantly from That is, they added to the theory
    especially  his  author  "Capital"  that  the  economic the possibility of the state’s intervention to control
    theory  of  capitalism  will  collapse  because  capitalism the market and impose control on everyone to rule
    leaves all things in the hands of individuals under the the state of perfect competition and give everyone

    principle (let him work .. let him pass) He considered the opportunity to work and earn money, and other
    that  the  bourgeois  class,  which  has  the  elements  of  things through which they developed the theory and
    production  in  its  hands,  will  increase  in  riches  and  made its fall is not an easy thing.
    wealth  over  time,  and  their  number  will  gradually   Thus, we find that Marx's attempt to prove his point

    decrease  due  to  the  lack  of  proper  control  over  the  of view has turned into a great weapon in the hands
    state  of  the  market,  which  makes  there  are          of his enemy, who thought outside the box, and the
    monopolistic elements in the market and the inability      ongoing war did not prevent him from listening to
    of  small  businessmen  to  continue  in  the  market      the  other  side  of  the  war  and  learning  from  his
    because of the lack of Perfect competition to get out of   mistake    and    realizing    the   truth    without

    this field and join the working class of the proletarian   stubbornness. Socialism fell and was defeated and
    that suffers from poverty with the passage of time and     was  unable  to  achieve  its  goals  of  world
    its number is also increasing in addition to the problem   domination.
    of surplus value that deprives the workers of the fruit    And everything that happened draws our attention

    of  their  efforts  and  increases  the  wealth  of  the   to  a  basic  rule  in  any  war,  whether  hot  or  cold,
    bourgeois  capitalists.  Their  wealth,  and  other  factors  which is “Never tell your enemy about his faults.”
    that all point to one end, which is a bloody and violent   Marx’s attempt turned against him, although it was
    revolution  of  the  proletarian  against  the  capitalists,  great,  and  although  his  visions  were  proven  to  be
    which ends with the victory of the proletariat, but this   true  before,  but  he  did  not  expect  his  enemy  to

    does not concern us much. It is what Marx explained        listen to him And to see him modify his theory and
    in  detail  in  order  to  make  everyone  believe  in     come back and defeat him, war is really a trick and
    socialism and acknowledge the reality of the weakness      it needs smart people.
    and poverty of capitalist thought.

    And this crisis of the Great Depression was a turning
    point  in  the  struggle.  A  famous  scientist  named
    "Keynez"  emerged  in  this  crisis  who  was  able  to  do
    something simple but ingenious. Keynes thought that
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    what  prevented  us  from  addressing  the  defects  of
    capitalism  through  the  opinions  of  Marx  ,who
    mastered the socialist Explain the defects.

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