Page 15 - Issue 33
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                ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 33, July 2021                          Express freely
                                                                                                Exprimer librement

                                the controversy on Covid vaccines property rights

                                               waiver : who will win in the end?
                                                                 Ogine ibrahim,second year

    Covid-19  is  no  longer  a  new,  and  our  lives  have  been  Breaking intellectual property laws in an emergency like the
    normalized with its restrictions and we are accustomed to the  one  we  are  now  facing  is  necessary  ,  because  the  largest
    circumstances  we  were  forced  to.  The  question  arises  here  number  of  vaccines  is  produced,  and  the  spread  of  the
    itself, is there really no end to the story of this virus? In fact,  virusis reduced faster. The proposal was approved by more
    some  vaccines  have  been  detected  that  prevent  individuals  than  115  countries,  as  well  as  the  new  director  of  the
    from infection, such as the Pfizer-Bioantic vaccine for Covid  organization, Ngozi Akongo, who is the first woman to hold
    19, and the Jansen/Johnson & Johnson vaccine for Covid 19.  this post.
    But  the  whole  point  is  how  these  vaccines  are  distributed  The other part, which totally rejected the proposal, consists
    fairly  or  are  there  other  mechanics  for  the  availability  of  of developed countries and monopolists such as the United
    these  vaccines  and  their  distribution  to  individuals.  This  States, Britain, the European Union, Japan, Canada, Brazil,
    question  was  not  just  in  our  position  of  interest.  It  has  and  vaccine  organizations,  such  as  “Faiers”,  which
    sparked  a  major  diplomatic  debate  at  the  World  Trade  described  the  proposal  as  nonsense.  Their  stronger
    Organization. The suspension of intellectual property rights  arguments  were  that  disrespect  for  patent  laws  would  not
    for the manufacture of Corona vaccines, and their imitation  necessarily  lead  to  increased  production  because  there  are
    by  other  companies,  if  they  are  to  provide  it  to  the  largest  greater barriers such as the lack of products, factories, and
    number  of  individuals,  violates  the  laws  of  the  Trips  the crisis labor to produce these vaccines. These inventions
    Agreement on Intellectual Property and Patent.             must be protected from tradition to encourage innovations,
    So,  we  find  that  the  World  Trade  Organization  has  been  maintain quality, and avoid many losses. With that opposing
    divided  into  two  parts.  A  section  supporting  the  decision  aspect,  that  proposal  was  not  implemented,  because  the
    submitted by South Africa and India to "waive some of the  organization  only  implements  resolutions  that  have  been
    provisions  of  the  Trips  Agreement  on  Intellectual  Property  unanimously approved.
    and  Patents  for  a  period  determined  by  WHO  in  order  to  In  my  opinion,  the  “WTO”  failure  to  implement  that
    vaccinate the majority of the world's population, for vaccines  proposal will increase the lack of social justice between rich
    (COVID-19) only." By applying this, as many people will be  and  poor  countries.  But  the  World  Trade  Organization
    vaccinated, in the shortest possible time. To avoid disparities  should not see the cancellation of that decision as the end of
    in  vaccine  distribution  between  rich  and  poor  countries,  the  solution.  Rather,  they  must  help  distribute  these
    statistics  show  that  in  rich  countries,  one  in  four  people  is  vaccines  to  the  largest  number  of  individuals  in  a  fair
            ﺔﻳﺮ  ﺮ
    vaccinated  daily,  unlike  low                            manner  by  improving  distribution  networks,  making
                   ﺤ  ﺒﻋ-income  countries,  one  in  five
    hundred. Rich countries will be able to vaccinate their entire  available    the  products  needed  for  the  industry,  and
    population in mid-2022, while poor countries will not reach  reducing customs duties on such vaccines. Until you find a
    that until 2024.                                           way that both sides agree.

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