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                ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 33, July 2021                          Express freely
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                          Our faculty holds a panel discussion on: The

                                          Constitutional Path in Libya
                                                                                  Bahey El-din Ayman

    Within the framework of a series of discussion panels organized by  With  regard  to  the  constitutional  course  in  Libya,  Libya  has
    the  Center  for  Research  and  Political  Studies  and  Intercultural  emerged from a political dispute that has resulted in a chapter of
    Dialogue at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science - Cairo  the Arab Spring and has many labels as some call them (uprising,
    University on political and constitutional developments in the Arab  civil  war,  revolution...  (It  ended  with  Muammar  Gaddafi  being
    countries,  the  Center  organized  a  discussion  on  the  subject  of  the  removed  from  the  picture  and  charting  the  way  for  new
    constitutional process in Libya, hosting the Counselor Dr.: Mohamed  Governments  and  other  authorities.  The  legal  organizer  of  these
    El-Ghannam the President At the Cairo Court of Appeal and former  periods  is  called  the  Constitutional  Declaration,  which  is
    Director of the Political Department of the United Nations Support  essentially an Egyptian invention. As a constitutional practitioner, I
    Mission in Libya, on Thursday, June 3, 2021, through Zoom.  have not seen it in other countries. I grew up in Egypt and moved
                                                               to a number of neighboring Arab countries, and we kept it in one
    Chancellor and Dr. Mohamed Ghannam                         way  or  another.  In  Sudan,  there  is  a  constitutional  document
    He worked for a long time at the United Nations in its missions in  governing  the  transition  period,  they  called  it  a  constitutional
    Somalia and in Iraq, but his most notable work before returning to  document, but within the framework of a constitutional declaration,
    the ground, To the Cairo Court of Appeal, is the presidency of the  the constitutional document is a legal document for the conduct of
    political  and  constitutional  path  of  the  United  Nations  Mission  in  the  transition.  This  constitutional  declaration  in  Libya  thus
    Libya,  It  has  played  an  important  role,  particularly  in  our  topic  regulated the (harsh) transitional period in Libya.
    today:  the  constitutional  path  of  Libya  and  the  completion  of  the
    draft constitution, which unfortunately has not yet been ratified. His  Unfortunately,  the  2011  constitutional  declaration  is  the  Libyan
    role was the most prominent of all non - Libyans.          constitutional  document.  This  document  states  that  there  is  an
    Chancellor  Mohamed  Ghannam:  I  would  like  to  thank  Cairo  election for the drafting body of the Constitution, which consists of
    University  for  this  opportunity.  I  didn’t  have  much  opportunity  to  60  members  from  the  three  political  provinces,  Of  course,  Libya
    talk  about  my  United  Nations  experience.  I  worked  at  the  United  has historically consisted of three political territories, the Western
    Nations for 11 years. From 2005 to 2011, they were on loan from  Province  (Tripoli),  the  Eastern  Province  (Beni  Ghazi)  and  the
    Egypt, and I am currently President of the Cairo Court of Appeal. I  Southern  Province.  In  1951,  prior  to  the  United  Nations'
    have  worked  in  the  constitutional,  legal  and  political  spheres  in  a  recognition of the State of Libya, there was a King of Libya who
    number of missions and States and have concluded them in Libya.  refused  to  assume  power  without  the  ratification  of  the
    Libya's experience was a final one for me, and then I returned to the  Constitution. In 2011, with the Constitutional Declaration, such a
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    Egyptian  judiciary.  It  was  a  very  difficult  one.  I  worked  in  Libya  60-member  commission  was  established  for  each  province,  with
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    from 2013 to the end of 2016. Part of it was inside Libya in Tripoli,  little  difference,  that  three  Libyan  ethnic  minorities  were  given
    and  I  moved  to  a  number  of  Libyan  cities,  and  then  there  was  an  seats, in the sense that two seats were given for each of the three
    evacuation  to  Tunisia.  I  was  also  working  on  the  Libyan  political  minorities, six seats. (10% of seats), and it was stipulated that these
    agreement, known as the (sofaraa Agreement), which took place in  minorities should be compatible with matters relating to it, which is
    Morocco and was between the two rival groups in Libya, and it was  a slightly loose text. The Commission was therefore elected.
    signed at the end of 2016.
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