Page 6 - Issue 33
P. 6

ﺔَﻳﺮﺤﺑ ﺮﺒﱢﻋ
                ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 33, July 2021                          Express freely
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    What challenges did you face as the first female vice president of a We realize that whoever saves a person from anything is his
    university, and were there any difficulties in taking on any of your  Lord.  My  Lord  has  always  helped  me  throughout  all  the
    positions as a woman?                                      hardships of my life
    I don't think that being a woman was an obstruction or caused me any  After God Almighty, the credit was due to my parents, may
    redundant obstacles. As we all know, any successful person must face  God  have  mercy  on  them.  My  mother  was  the
    difficulties on his way to reach his goal but being a woman, I do not
    think it added to these difficulties.                      Undersecretary of the Ministry of Social Affairs, and she was
    I  was  the  fourth  female  dean  of  the  faculty,  it  was  not  strange  for  a  a  successful  woman  in  her  work,  loving  what  she  does,
    woman to assume this position in the Faculty of Archeology. However  excelling  in  creativity,  she  was  and  still  is  my  role  model,
    the decision to appoint me as Dean of the Faculty of Archeology was the and I can never express how much I'm proud of her for all
    first republican decision to appoint a woman to this position, and I was what  she  had  achieved.  As  for  my  father,  he  was  a  civil
    also the first woman to be appointed by a republican decision to be the  engineer,  he  always  had  this  fear;  that  any  mistake  in  his
    Vice President of  University for Education and Student Affairs across  work might harm other people's lives, From here he always
    all Egypt. That's why the era of His Excellency President Sisi is the  taught me and my siblings that we do not treat people but
    golden  age  for  Egyptian  women,  and  had  it  not  been  for  his  rather God, so our work must be perfect to the fullest, my
    supportive  vision  I  would  not  have  been  able  to  reach  these
    positions. I owe his excellency a lot for his sincere efforts.Thanks  to  father  always  encouraged  me  to  achieve  all  my  goals  and
    God, I received great support, whether from the college administration or  ambitions. My parents had always encouraged me to succeed
    the university administration as well.                     and progress.
    In  my  perspective,  I  think  that  women,  in  addition  to  their  ability  to Of course, my gratitude is not prejudiced without mentioning
    quickly acquire the administrative aspect, also have an advantage that is the President of the University, Dr. Muhammad Al-Khosht,
    not found in men, which is the feeling of motherhood, so you will often  he has always supported me even before he chose me as a
    find  very  considerate  women,  because  of  the  great  attribute  God  Vice  President,  he  supported  me  as  the  Deanship  of  the
    specialized them by.  ﺑ                                    College  and  its  Agency.  When  he  chose  me  as  a  vice
            ﺔﻳﺮ  ﺮ
    Lastly, to who is Prof. Dr. Heba Nouh grateful?            president, he made sure to explain to me how to manage the
    God has honored me to be a teachi
                   ﺤ  ﺒﻋng assistant, and a representative, then
    a  dean  until  I  reached  my  current  position  as  Vice  President  of  the  new  facilities  that  I  was  unfamiliar  with,  such  as  the
    University. The person goes through many failures throughout his life.  university cities or the student hospital, as he supported me
    He witnesses despair, frustration, and some enemies may appear on your  in all my decisions. I hope I was at his trust and confidence.
    way even there may be people who would wish to see you fall.
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