Page 3 - Issue 33
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ELITE Vol.1, Issue 33, July 2021 Express freely
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Prof. Heba Nouh, Former Vice-president of CU for student affairs & Education to ELITE :
Being a woman is never an obstacle against
Written by: Jomana Khaled
Cairo: Ramy Ahmed, Jomana Khaled, and Nayera Cherif. I also contributed to strengthening the relations between student education
Elite Newspaper has the honor to interview Dr. Heba Nouh, the current Vice affairs and environmental and community service, so I met with the Vice
President of the University, ViceDean for Student Affairs, and former Dean President for Environmental and Community Service, Prof. Dr.
of the Faculty of Archeology. Muhammad Sami Abdel Sadiq. We decided to create a joint council
With her rich, dedicated, and successful career path, she has been credited between the student affairs agents and the community and environmental
with many accomplishments that have taken the whole of Cairo University service agents, where the community service agents present their proposals
to another level. In addition, she is considered a mother to all university in the service of the university community so that the Education and
students, as she sought to achieve their interests to the fullest. We have all Student Service Agents oversee the implementation of these proposals.
our gratitude and appreciation for her. This meeting is an article that already exists in the law regarding the tasks
When you took over the position of Vice President for Education and of education, students, and community service affairs, but it was not
Student Affairs, what were the major goals that you sought to achieve, activated. Thanks to God, it succeeded in activating this article, which
and did you succeed in achieving them? helped in coordination between the two sectors.
One of the first things that caught my attention upon assuming this position One of my concerns, indeed one of my most important concerns, is the
is that the decisions issued by the university administration to the university cities. I have been keen to visit them and share meals with the
administrative officials in all faculties often do not reach the dean of the students, as I was present for fasting with them in the blessed month of
faculty at least, as these decisions are issued to solve a specific problem for Ramadan with the President of the University, Dr. Muhammad Al-Khosht.
students, so everyone in the educational institution must be familiar with I am keen to listen to the students, as I often have open conversations with
these decisions. There should have been renewed communication between them to discuss their problems, to encourage them to communicate with
the implementation tools, which are the university administration, the dean me in case they faced any problem, and to ensure that all their needs were
of the college, and the faculty members. Accordingly, after six months of fulfilled. The feeling of motherhood inside me has always pushed me to
assuming my position as Vice President of the University, I issued a try to compensate them, even a little, for their alienation and separation
decision that the Vice President will meet with all those responsible for from their families. Whenever I receive a complaint from a resident, I
student affairs in all faculties of the University every month, where each personally supervise the treatment of the problem and sometimes even go
official presents his problem and each of the officials exchanges ideas and to check how it is going. My care for the residents also contributes to
solutions, thus there is communication between all executive bodies in the enhancing those in charge of university dorms to care more about students.
interest of the student in all faculties in the first place. One of the things that surprised me was the complaints of some students
I noticed through my conversations with university students that there is about student activities, as not all students in all colleges had equal
often a gap between the vice dean and his students, which encouraged me opportunities in the availability of activities. Thus, I made sure that no
more to intensify my regression against university students from time to student in a particular college has a priority over any other, and that all
time to listen to them. I also made sure that there were two to three articles opportunities for students were equal. Concerning student activities also, I
in the organizing law concerning student affairs, where how they are knew that students meet to practice these activities outside the campus,
implemented is explained by the general manager to the students. I aimed to which was a shock to me, as the responsibility for the safety of these
make the student feel that he can speak with the college vice-dean or the students lies with the Student Affairs Representative. I stressed that the
dean when he encounters a problem and that they are there to serve him and safety of any student who practices these activities is basically the
take care of him, which does not make him afraid to talk. responsibility of the Student Affairs Dean.