Page 4 - Issue 33
P. 4

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                ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 33, July 2021                          Express freely
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                      Prof. Heba Noah declares to the newspaper, confirming:

     "The era of His Excellency President Sisi is the golden age for women, and if it
    were not for his vision, I would not have assumed the Deanship of The Faculty of

                       archeology nor the position of  cu- Vice President "

   Now  that  you  have  achieved  many  and  many  fruitful  achievements,  in  Of course, maintaining students' health was a priority for the Ministry
   your opinion, have some of the goals been difficult to achieve?  of Higher Education. Can you explain how Cairo University dealt with
   In  my  opinion,  the  matter  of  achieving  goals  depends  mainly  on  the  the Ministry's decisions and how they were implemented?
   management, where you find a suitable administration that does its work to the  As for the Ministry of Higher Education, it issued a decision to stop exams
   fullest; it is difficult not to achieve the goals. The credit for this is due to the  for all transition years and to resort to research, to be written by students and
   President  of  the  University,  Dr.  Muhammad  Al-Khosht,  who  was  always  be sent to their doctors. The problem was for seniors, as they had to take
   making future plans in case of any emergency event, as he was keen on making  exams at the end of the year. During this period we have taken all possible
   the university fully prepared to face any possible circumstances. I have gained  precautionary  procedures.  The  three  sectors  met:  Student  Affairs  Sector,
   from him the skill of far-thinking and distant future view. One of the factors  Security  Sector,  and  Environment  Sector.  The  environment  sector  was
   that help to achieve all our goals is the university president's support for me  responsible  for  providing  medical  supplies  such  as  masks,  sterilizers,  and
   and all my decisions, which made me always strive to be at my best.  disinfectants. In the student affairs sector, I was concerned with distributing
   You  were  in  the  Cairo  University  management  team  during  the  students. I asked each Student Affair Representative to announce to me the
   exceptional  crisis  of  Corona,  tell  us  about  the  scenes  of  the  first  steps  number of his senior students and halls designated for performing the tests. I
   trying to adapt to this exceptional crisis in the history of the university?  issued a decision to distribute students by 30% in the halls, meaning that the
   Well, as soon as the number of very simple cases began to spread, we expected  hall that can accommodate 100 students will have only 30 students so that
   the possibility of the study stopping at any moment, so we had to work quickly  there is a distance of one and a half meters social distance between each
   and be fully prepared for this possibility. We issued a decision to the Student  student  and  student,  and  based  on  that,  I  asked  each  agent  to  prepare  a
   Affairs Council asking all the representatives in all faculties to ensure that all  distribution map to distribute students at this rate. I was also interested in
   courses are uploaded on social media and the university’s website. Thanks to  holding the exams for more than one period, that is, a day is allocated to
   God, on the first of March 2020, all faculties’ courses were uploaded on the  certain  colleges  for  their  students  to  perform  their  exams  on  this  day,  to
   university’s website, where the platform was under implementation. We faced  prevent overcrowding inside the university and to ensure the availability of
   a problem in this matter, which is that not all professors accept e-learning, and  sufficient  halls  for  all  students  in  the  event  the  college  does  not
   the idea of   registering their courses, then uploading them on social media and  accommodate its students with this new distribution ratio. As for the role of
   the  university’s  website.  For  the  sake  of  solving  this  problem,  we  decided  the  security  sector,  it  prevented  any  accumulation  inside  and  outside  the
   either  to  assign  teaching  assistants  this  task  so  that  teaching  assistants  gain  university; we coordinated with Giza's Security Directorate to prevent any
   experiences  and  students  benefit,  or  share  teaching  the  course  with  another  possible congestion outside the university at the gates. The halls were also
   doctor who can upload courses.                              periodically disinfected, we coordinated with the Student Hospital about the
   We were also the first university to launch its courses immediately after the  preparation of all backup supplies and ambulances for any emergency, and
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   decision of the Minister of Higher Education to start distance education, and  isolation rooms were also equipped in case any student felt any symptoms
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   we were the first university to implement the decision of the Minister of Higher  while  inside  the  exam  hall;  he  could  complete  his  exam  in  the  isolation
   Education  to  make  distance  education  essential  and  to  conduct  electronic  room.  If  any  student  wanted  to  leave  the  exam  and  go  home  in  case  he
   exams. Of course, the Student Affairs Representatives and the administration  experiences any symptoms, he had complete freedom for that, as well will
   have made a great effort in providing these services, and the representatives  be tested later without harming his grades. Of course, whoever didn't want
   have cooperated in implementing the decisions in the fastest time and to the  to attend the exams had complete freedom and will be tested later.
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