Page 9 - Issue 33
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                ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 33, July 2021                          Express freely
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                                    Minister of Environment addresses feps on the

                                      environmental dimension in the sustainable

                                                           development plan
                                                                                       Mustafa M. Sayed

    On  Wednesday  Dec,12th  2021,  the  center  for  economic  and  financial  research  and  studies  in  faculty  of  economics  and  political  science  Cairo
    university hosted a seminar on the environmental dimension in the sustainable development plan with their guest Dr. Yasmin Fouad -the minister of
    environment-. The seminar was managed by Dr. Heba Nassar -the associate professor of economics in Cairo University-.
    Starting the seminar by welcoming her excellency Dr. Yasmin Fouad – the minister of environment- and the attendants, it was obvious that there is an
    increasing interest for the environmental dimension among all age groups as attendants were from different age groups.
    The  dean  welcomed  the  minister  and  introduced  the  subject,  then  showed  government  interest  in  achieving  the  3  dimensions  of  sustainable
    development  plan  which  are  economic,  social,  and  environmental  and  urban  development,  achieving  green  economic  growth  and  reducing  the
    emissions of CO2.
    Her excellency started her talk showing that her ministry isn’t an executive one but it’s more of a coordinating ministry that aims to work with other
                                        Author details
    ministries and organizations to achieve the planned goals and completing its role in 2030 plan which is having an integrated ecosystem through
    coordinating with other organizations to take the environmental dimension into consideration in their plans.
    She moved to laws regarding environment as those laws focused on integrating the environmental dimension in all fields, the importance of natural
    resources  security,  exploitation  and  investment  which  guarantees  next  generations’  rights.  In  order  to  achieve  its  goals  the  ministry  aimed  at
    managing  the  natural  resources  such  that  sustainability  is  taken  into  consideration,  decreasing  pollution  and  wastes,  maintaining  the  balance  of
    ecosystems and biodiversity, and keeping Egypt’s international agreements related to environment.
    The  ministry  worked  on  3  main  dimensions  to  achieve  its  goals  which  are  decreasing  wastes,  protecting  natural  resources  and  facing  the
    environmental  changes.  This  was  done  through  giving  KPIs  to  measure  the  effectiveness  of  the  achieved  jobs  and  encouraging  environmental
    investment and green economy.
    Then, she declared that regular ways of punishments and taxes aren’t efficient enough to achieve the goals so they tried to provide new sustainable
    economic opportunities, the ministry attempts to achieve these goals through different dimensions which are, leaving the old school of environmental
    tourism to get away from  landmarks to the new school of raising awareness, encouraging the private sector to convert wastes into energy by buying
    from investors by 140 cents/kilowatt and in cooperation with central bank of Egypt, it provide loans to investors in that field by doing so, the total
    investments in that field for 8 firms only is 345 million dollars,  expanding in using and generating bioenergy and fertilizers in villages, taking care of
    protectorates that is in Cairo and nearby.
    She opened the way for any questions by the attendants. And questions were as follows: what’s her opinion in 2030’s plan and what is the predicted
    time to achieve its goals? , another question was about wastes’ system specially in old neighborhoods, what are the monitoring methods specially in
    villages? , what incentives do the government provide to private sector to engage? , are there any agreements for green finance? .
    Dr. Yasmin answered all the questions as follow: she assured that there exist many agreements to provide green finance for instance, ministry of
    electricity got 475 million dollars for expanding in generating renewable resources, regarding the wastes’ system, she declared that there will still be
    wastes for more 5 years as eliminating wastes needs a lot of factors to be worked upon first, concerning monitoring, the ministry has specialized
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    monitoring offices that do its job in each governate then she showed with pride that the ministry has responded to 99% of the received complaints
    that it received, regarding the incentives, she assured that CBE provide loans for investors in converting wastes into Energy , the government buys
    from them by 140 cents/kilowatt , she then added that there are incentives for decreasing the use of plastics and increasing the use of devices that
    work with renewable energy.
    She ended her enriched seminar by thanking the attendants and showing her pride of faculty of economics and political science Cairo university as
    she took her PHD from it.
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