Page 8 - Issue 33
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ﺔَﻳﺮﺤﺑ ﺮﺒﱢﻋ
                ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 33, July 2021                          Express freely
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     Moving  on,  we  asked  Mr.  Laurent  to  share  with  us  his  thoughts  Adding  up,  we  had  to  know  how  does  Mr.  Laurent  you  think
     over  the  newly  opened  research  unit,  and  why  he  thinks  it’s  students of the faculty can benefit from this MRU? With FEPS’
     important. He started off by expressing a ton of positive thoughts,  students having the chance to hold huge governmental positions in
     followed  by  explaining  the  purpose  of  the  MRU.  Back  in  2018,  the near future, Mr. Laurent strongly believes that they should be
     when  he  first  arrived  to  Egypt  and  started  acting  as  chief  of  fully aware of the migration scene in the state; in other words, it’s
     mission, IOM Egypt had already had a MRU in CAPMAS for over  an indirect investment in the dynamic of migration. They need to
     a year, and a recently opened one in AUC. Mr. Laurent believed  be  able  their  powerful  roles  in  implanting  laws  and  regulations
     that  it  was  vital  to  link  between  academia  and  IOM’s  practical  that  would  benefit  migration  and  migrants,  and  the  first  step
     work; such a research unit would provide priceless researchers and  towards  that  is  by  engaging  in  the  MRU.  Through  the  online
     policies  based  on  evidence,  that  would  greatly  benefit  the  library that is provided by the MRU, all the students could access
     organization  on  every  single  level.  Therefore,  he  spent  a  year  literature  books,  research  papers  and  articles  thoroughly
     exploring all his options, and FEPS was picked from a wide range  discussing migration, giving them all what they need and more to
     of  leading  academic  institutions,  due  to  its  achievements  and  fully comprehend the migration scene in the area. This research
     excellence  in  the  fields  of  education,  scientific  research  and  unit will provide migration analysis like no other, and thus, it’s
     community services. After discussing with FEPS and having them  also the go-to for any student interested in this cause.
     on board with such a beneficial project, money was raised, in the  Lastly,  we  gracefully  asked  Mr.  Laurent  what  advice  would  he
     name  of  supporting  the  merge  of  academia  and  the  government  give to faculty’s students? One of the most important issues that
     into IOM’s working our life, and the desired unit successfully set  Mr. Laurent wanted to shed the light on is youth unemployment,
     up, as we witnessed                                       stating that younger generations should be aware that migration
     Following up, our next question for Mr. Laurent was what are your  isn’t the only best solution for it. He would also like to shed like on
     impressions on the MRU so far? and what are your expectations  migration  as  a  whole,  stating  that  it  isn’t  a  temporary
     for it? Mr Laurent first expressed his tremendous impression with  phenomenon,  that  would  fade  away  by  time.  Migration  is  will
     those in charge, stating that they are very engaging, reassuring and  continue to grow each and every day, so instead of looking at it
     that they share his interests in the importance of creating such a  radically or in any way based on discrimination, we should focus
     unit  amongst  every  institution  of  Cairo  and  beyond,  ministries  on  making  the  best  out  of  it,  whilst  providing  proper  living
     included. With that being said, those impressions fulfilled on of Mr.  conditions for those migrants, and studying how it could benefit
     Laurent’s most important expectations, which is bringing together  us and our society.
     academic people policy makers and the government, whilst having
     them  sharing  the  same  future  interests  and  goals.  His  other
     expectations  fall  under  the  umbrella  of  making  a  migrant’s  life
     better; Mr. Laurent would love for people to look to migrants as
     people  who  can  really  contribute  to  the  society,  not  as  just
     numbers. The strong global stigma that defines migrants as poor
     individuals that take advantage of the society should disappear. He
     believes  that  the  researches  and  policies  to  be  conducted  by  the
            ﺔﻳﺮ  ﺮ
     MRU could be a bridge that allow migrants to unleash their full
                   ﺤ  ﺒﻋ Egyptian  society;  our  faculty,  in
     potential  and  benefit  the
     particular,  could  use  an  economic  or  socioeconomic  approach  in
     making Mr. Laurent’s vision come to life.

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