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                ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 33, July 2021                          Express freely
                                                                                                Exprimer librement

                                                  Cover image

    In  Libya,  there  were  some  unprecedented  things,  including  the   But so far the referendum has not been held, because the political
    composition,  as  well  as  the  combination  of  the  election  and  the  circumstances have disrupted anything, including the constitutional
    referendum,  in  the  sense  that  the  Commission  was  elected  by  the  track. Unfortunately, we have very much demanded that the State
    general  public,  and  minorities  have  refused  to  vote,  especially  the  push for a referendum on the Constitution and emphasize the need
    Amazigh  minority.  Members  were  required  not  to  belong  to  any  to complete the project through the referendum fund.
    parliamentary  parties.  The  Libyan  state  was  coming  from  the  The Constitution is not only a legal document, but it is the supreme
    experience  of  Muammar  al-Qadafi  and  the  subsequent  absence  of  law,  and  it  regulates  the  governance  of  any  state  and  has  clear
    political parties or formations, all of which were new experiences for  implications  for  political  action  in  any  state.  Along  with  all  the
    the Libyan people. They had much larger but destroyed aspirations  constitutional procedures there was a political path, and I was the
    and ended up disapproving of political parties for the Constitution.  chief writer of the Ambassadors' Agreement, not only my thoughts
    But  a  referendum  was  added,  and  what's  new.  Because  the  but I was the draftsman for these texts, and it ended with a political
    committee  is  usually  formed  either  by  election  or  by  appointment  agreement between the rival parties. This agreement was created by
    from either side or then a draft approved by a majority of the people  what is called the Government of National Accord, and it created a
    by  referendum,  Libya  combined  the  two.  In  the  context  of  this  bad  institution  called  the  Presidential  Council,  composed  of  9
    situation, I have participated with many experts in the entire process  people. When we start dedicating the holes, they continue with us
    they have undertaken to draft the Constitution, which will eventually  and are a problem for us, and these are not legalized, but they will
    be put to a referendum.                                    continue with us until 2021. There is a so-called Libyan Political
    And there were a lot of shockwaves on the road. The first shock is  Dialogue Forum, a structure of 74 members and members formed
    the  establishment  of  3  months  for  the  establishment  of  the  by  the  United  Nations  and  a  key  player  in  Libya,  based  on
    Constitution, which is of course unrealistic and will not be achieved.  deliberations  with  many  parties.  The  Forum  developed  the  road
    Especially in a state that has, throughout its history, developed only  map  and  established  a  Presidential  Council  composed  of  a
    a single constitution, it started with 60 days, ended with four months  President and 2 vice presidents.
    in the end, and was, of course, an unrealistic timeline. The second is  The  major  problem  currently  facing  Libya  is  two-fold.  The  first
    the  Commission's  desire  to  write  the  Constitution  themselves,  part lies in the Marshal Haftar, which is not a problem in itself. But
    although they are not specialized at all, and the Commission is not  his  role  in  future  Libyan  politics  is  a  problem.  Is  he  the
    mandated to do so, but it lays the foundations and sets ideas and the  Commander-in-Chief  of  the  Armed  Forces  or  is  he  the
    writing of the Constitution must be left to a competent commission.  Commander-in-Chief?  So  is  he  going  to  agree  to  be  under
    This led to a terrible delay in timing. We started on 21/4/2004, and  someone's presidency? Second, it's unclear how the elections will
    the  final  draft  of  everything  we  went  through  was  adopted  on  take place, we're at a crossroads, there are many ideas, but there's
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    29/7/2017,  and  so  what  was  supposed  to  end  in  120  days  took  3  no  consensus.  There  are  three  ways,  a  referendum  on  the
    years. This is the current Libyan constitutional framework.  constitution,  parliamentary  elections,  and  presidential  elections,
                                                               and  no  one  knows  the  order  of  these  steps  and  the  picture  is
                                                               unclear.  On  December  24,  2021,  elections  are  scheduled  to  take
                                                               place, but no one knows which elections will take place first.

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