Page 25 - Issue 26
P. 25
Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020 ELITE
Mohamed ragab, 3rd level, economics
The Internet is one of the most important means of human weapons As well as teaching hack and exchange of ma lware
communication and the preservation and exchange of data in and malicious applications such as viruses as well as forgery
the current era, but most users know about it only little, sites, but that network contains social networking sites for
some reports have indicated that the percentage of the users of that network and transactions are complete d by
surface web (which is archived on normal search eng ines) is cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.
only 5% of the total internet and that 95% of the c ontent of And the most important sites of the dark internet a re:
the Internet is not available to ordinary users, su ch as the hacking sites, weapons industry sites, human-organ trading
dark internet and the deep web "What is the secret for hiding sites, illegal pornography sites and terrorist site s.
this part of the Internet??! But how did this network come up??!
The concept of the dark Internet refers to the part of the In 1999, computer scientist of University of Edinbu rgh" Ian
Internet which includes a huge number of sites that cannot Clarke" pointed out that there was a flaw in the de sign of the
be archived and accessed through ordinary search en gines Internet that the use of public address and routing software
such as the search engine "Google Chrome" or "Fire Fox", it makes it easier to track and monitor websites, espe cially if
is a hidden world not monitored by these engines an d the web relies on a centralized infrastructure such as DNS -
represents a small part of the deep Internet is del iberately which translates Web-based names - Countries can en force
hidden and closed to normal search engines so that it can their control over these sites and therefore the au thorities can
only be accessed using special software. block what they want to block from websites as well as
What is the difference betweenthe dark internet and the making tracking the information of individuals user s of these
hidden web? sites easy ,that is known as "surveillance capitali sm" and
The Internet can be divided into three sections: th e first thus he developed the "Freenet" network to be a
section is called surface internet which we use tod ay and decentralized and anonymous alternative to the Inte rnet.
shows us on normal search engines. How can you browse the sites of this network???!
The second is "the Deep Web", which is the largest part of It is difficult to find such sites ,because their d igital
the Internet and is a blind area that cannot be ind exed on addressers do not use traditional domains such as " .com or
normal search engines but at the same time is not s ecret, but .org" but use long strings of letters and numbers i n the upper
some sites can be blocked due to its privacy. And the third level range "onion" which is designed to perform ta sks
section is the dark Internet. Dark Web Content: The se sites without disclosing the identity of the user and the owner of
are commonly used to do crimes and illegal operatio ns, the site, and therefore they use special software t o guide the
according to a classification by researchers "Danie l Moore network to ensure the complete confidentiality of t he
and Thomas" Reed of the contents of 2,723 dark web sites identity of the users of the network and the owners of the
within five weeks, They found that about 57% of tho se sites sites, "Tor" is one of the special programs that al low access
carry out illegal operations such as the sale and p urchase of to the sites of the dark internet, it is a program that hides the
drugs of all kinds, and the education of the manufa cturing identity of the internet user completely and cannot be traced
and using of explosives and biological or tracked.