Page 21 - Issue 26
P. 21

Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020                        ELITE

       The   boycott   campaign   has   focused   mainly   on   daily
       consumption   products,  especially  food,  which  makes   us  ask
       a   question   about   the   feasibility   of   that   boycott,   a  nd   is   it
       really  affecting  the  French  economy?  Especially  sin  ce  there
       are   many   French   companies   operating   in   Islamic   Arab
       countries, and many consumers of the products and s  ervices
       of   these   companies   have   decided   to   boycott   them
       completely, which causes tremendous damage to the F  rench
       private   sector,   and   consequently   to   the   decrease   in     the
                                                               French   exports   to   Arab   countries,   as   we   mentioned
       revenues   collected   by   the   French   Treasury   from   taxe  s
                                                               earlier,   do   not   represent   a   very   large   percentage   o  f   the
       imposed   on   these   companies.   The   greatest   damage   wil  l   be
                                                               total   French   exports.   However,   there   is   a   potential
       caused   to   foodstuffs,   which   are   highly   profitable   d  ue   to
                                                               danger to the French economy, especially since we a  re in
       their   being   daily   or   monthly   consumption   products,   unlike
                                                               a very competitive market, and there are actually l  ocal or
       other   industries   that   can   be   postponed.   But   so   far,     these
                                                               foreign   alternatives   to   France's   goods   that   have   be  en
       effects have not been clearly visible, as in the en  ergy sector,
                                                               boycotted,   and   thus   it   is   possible   to   dispense   with     its
       the French company Total is still operating in many   Islamic
                                                               goods   and   turn   to   other   alternatives.   France's   regi  onal
       countries,   whose   main   activity   is   the   sale   of   its
                                                               reputation   in   the   Middle   East   will   also   be   negative  ly
       petrochemical   and   petroleum   products,   in   addition   t  o   the
                                                               affected by the boycott of French products by some   Arab
       investments   that   the   French   company   Total   has   in
                                                               countries,  but   also,   with   a   decrease   in   the  revenue  s   that
       exploration   and   production.   Likewise,   the   defense   s  ector,
                                                               the  French   government   earns  through  imposing   taxes   on
       France   is   still   selling   weapons,   aviation   technolog  y,   and
                                                               its   active   companies   in   the   Middle   East,   as   well   as
       public   transport   systems   to   a   number   of   Islamic   cou  ntries.
                                                               affecting  the   accounts.  The   geopolitics   of  Paris.   W  e   find
       No   official   statement   has  been  issued   by   these   coun  tries   to
                                                               that   all   the   results   so   far   are   not   huge   on   the   Fre  nch
       stop   the   purchase   of   the   French   company.   In   the   tou  rism
                                                               economy,  and   the  reason   for  this  lies  in  the   fact  t  hat   the
       sector,   we   cannot   clearly   identify   the   damages,   esp  ecially
                                                               campaign   came   in   an   individual   form,   and   that   the
       with   the   spread   of   the   Corona   pandemic,   whose
                                                               campaign   was   not   supported   by   religious   institution  s   or
       repercussions   imposed   a   decline   in   the   tourism   sect  or   in
                                                               political   parties   in   the   Arab   countries,   so   boycott     is
       various   countries   of   the   world,   and   in   general   the   tourism
                                                               completely popular. Arab Islamic any official boyco  tts.
       season   in   times   of   winter   and   autumn   is   witnessing   a
                                                               In  the   end,   the  Islamic   nation   believes   that  the   st  atus   of
       significant   decline.   Although   the   boycott   campaign   of
                                                               the   Messenger   over   him,   may   the   prayers   and   peace   b  e
       French   products   will   have   an   impact   on   the   economie  s   of
                                                               upon  him,  is  higher,  higher  and  higher  than  that  of    being
       the  countries  that  receive  these  French  investments  ,   French
                                                               touched by a human being, and it did not harm him i  n his
       companies  will   also   suffer   some   damage,   as   they   wil  l   lose
                                                               life  and  will  not   harm   him   in   his  death  as  well,   bu  t   this
       those  countries  that  deal  with  them  in  the   first  pl  ace   due  to
                                                               does   not   preclude   the   necessity   of   respecting   all   t  he
       the  cheap   labor  that  they   did  not  find  in  France.  I  n  general,
                                                               heavenly   religions,   especially   since  the   Messenger   has  a
       estimating   the  actual   size  of   the  French  economic   l  osses  in
                                                               special religious status with more than a billion A  nd half
       view   of   the   people   of   Arab   countries   boycotting   som  e
                                                               a  billion   Muslims  on   the  face  of   the   globe.   And  wha  t   is
       French   products   will   be   difficult,   as   the   campaign   has   not
                                                               happening   now   would   perpetuate   hatred   and   develop
       passed   for   a   long   time,   and   therefore   it   is   not   pos  sible   to
                                                               aggression.   Freedom   of   expression   is   not   a   justific  ation
       accurately   judge   the   percentage   of   losses   in   the   Fr  ench
                                                               for   violence,   stirring   up   feelings,   and   creating   en  mity
       economy.   However,   in   recent   times,   witnesses   of   som  e   of
                                                               and   conflict.   The   offense   of   religious   beliefs   may
       the  major   French  companies'  shares  have   witnessed  a   sharp
                                                               provoke   wars.   Freedom   of   opinion   stops   at   extremism  ,
       decline.   This   coincided   with   the   boycott   campaign   c  arried
                                                               extremism  that   leads   to  violence,  discord  and  terro  rism.
       out  by   the  people  of  some  Arab  countries   due  to  the    French
                                                               Therefore,   all  thinkers   and  political  leaders   shoul  d  think
       offense   to   the   Messenger,   and   one   of   the   most   promi  nent
                                                               well,   and   adhere   to   objective   caution   in   using   the
       companies   that   suffered   a   decline   in   its   shares   are     Total,
                                                               terminology,   in   order   to   prevent   any   offense   to   the
       BNB,   Renault   And   Carrefour,   according   to   Investoped  ia.
                                                               beliefs   and   feelings   of   individuals,   and   to   provoke     any
          But   the   inevitable   matter   is   that   if   the   boycott   o  f   French
                                                               strong   reactions   that   often   fall   prey   to   the   exploi  tation
       products   continues,   its   effects   will   clearly   appear     on
                                                               operations   of   corrupt   regimes   and   militant   movement  s,
       multiple   economic   sectors   in   France   and   then   affect     the
                                                               which benefit among them are also the media machine  s.
       French economy as a whole, despite the fact that th  e total
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