Page 24 - Issue 26
P. 24

Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020                        ELITE

                               Humanity or interest: COVID19 VACCINE

                                                       AND THE POOR

                                       Mariam Magd Fouad, 3rd level, Economics

                                                              As   a   result   of   these   experiences,   the   media   does   no  t
        If  you   ask  someone   about   the  biggest  fear  he   suffer  s
                                                              shed   light   on   this   type   of   human   crime   in   those
        from   now,   the   answer   will   be   one   word  and   one   for
                                                              countries,  in  order  to  preserve  the  general  appeara  nce  of
        all,   That   is   "Corona".   The   whole   world   coexisted
                                                              the   countries   and   the   gains   they   achieve   from   those
        with  it  in  a  state  of  extreme  panic.   We  became  livi  ng
        in   a   period   of   time   full   of   fear   and   so   many
        questioning.   What   are   we   waiting   for?   What   should
                                                              There   is   a   bigger   and   more   important   conflict   of   al  l
        we  do  to  survive?  And  if  we  have  hope  to  reduce  the
                                                              which is the compatibility of  political interest.   Vaccines
        human casualties that we lose daily, or do we have   to
                                                              are like a trump card to pressure developing countr  ies to
        wait for more losses. It  ’s  a period of endless despair,
                                                              achieve   what   other   countries   want,   because   not   all
        confusion   and   fear.   The   whole   world   is   waiting   for
                                                              countries  can   afford   the   cost  of  the  vaccine,  and   n  ot  all
        the   lifeline   to   pass  through   this   miserable   stage,   the
                                                              countries   want   to   sacrifice   the   lives   of   their   peop  le   as
        media   has   become   competing   daily   to   publish   more
                                                              well.   There   are   many   countries   that   take   advantage   of
        news   about   finding   a   vaccine,   and   there   are   many
                                                              these opportunities, even if they are characterized   by the
        companies   that   have   made   statements   to   find   a
                                                              most   ugly   means.   Nevertheless   it   doesn  ’t   matter,
        vaccine   and   that   there   are   many   successful
                                                              because   people's   lives   are   not   a   price   in   front   of   the
        experiences that they have achieved with it. Howeve  r
                                                              gains that come behind these interests. There is a   greater
        the   most   confusing   question   remains,   "Will   justice
                                                              conflict   between   the   pharmaceutical   companies
        be  achieved   in   its   distribution   or  will  the   priorit  y   be
                                                              themselves,   the   priority  for  all  of   them   is  to  achi  eve  the
        for those with influence?"
                                                              largest   possible   profits,   which  is  obvious   in  the   p  rice  of
                                                              preventive   tools   from   the   Coronavirus,   which   leads   to
        After several companies such as Pfizer, Biontech an  d
                                                              the   sacrifice   of   many   human   lives   in   exchange   for
        Moderna   announced   successful   trials   of   vaccines
                                                              interests and profits.
        against   the   Coronavirus,   there   is   hope   for   life   to
        return  normal  again.  However  don  ’t  be  foolish,  there
                                                              There   may   be   many   means   by   which   the   world   can
        is   one   fact   which   is   this   hope   isn  ’t   for   everyone.
                                                              achieve   justice   and   provide   assistance,   but   all   the  se
        That's   because   we   are   facing   one   truth,   which   is
                                                              means   are   hidden   in   front   of   the   interests   of   state  s,   the
        justice  isn  ’t   always      achieved   in   everything.   One   of
                                                              absence   of   humanity   and   lack   of   consideration   for   a  ny
        the   most   illustrious   examples   of   this   is   the   use   of
                                                              other  suffering.  There  are   many  ways   that  countries    use
        many   companies   in   the   poor   and   developing
                                                              to  fight  each  other,  and  the  victims  are  the  people  s,  who
        countries  as   guinea   pigs   without  regard   for   any   kin  d
                                                              most  of   them   don  ’t  know  anything   about   these  conflicts
        of   humanity.   There   are   many   countries   which   its
                                                              in  the  first  place,  but   they  know  one   thing,  is  suf  fering.
        people   suffer   in   deadly   silence   for   the   death   of   lo  ts
                                                              You   see,   dear   reader,   which   of   the   two   will   have
        and lots of people.
                                                              support, interest or humanity
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