Page 27 - Issue 26
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Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020                         ELITE

                                     THE BEAUTY OF CINEMA & HISTORY :

                                Reviewing the movie on saqqara tomb

                             Nourhan El-Menyawy,  Student at Euro- Med. MSC PROGRAM

                                                               Pride   in  the   Pharaonic  civilization,  which   still   hi  des   many
       Egypt   discovered  59   wooden  coffins   in  good  initial   condition
                                                               and   many   secrets   to   this   day,   and   the   pride   of   work  ers   in
       on  October  2,  2020,  in  the  Saqqara  area,  in  addition  to  dozens
                                                               this   field   on   for   their   seriousness   and   effort   exer  ted   by
       of statues and amulets.
                                                               them   despite   the   lack  of  resources   and   the   lack  of   modern
       Initial   studies   indicated   that   the   coffins   date   back   to   the
                                                               tools   that   will   help   them   easily   in   excavation.   The     film
       Twenty-Sixth   Century,   which   belonged   to   a   group   of   priests
                                                               shows   the   discovery   of   the   tomb   of   Saqqara   moment   b  y
       and   high-ranking   officials  in   the  Late   Epoch,   and   dated   back
                                                               moment   and   the   impressive   results   that   have   been
       to 600 BC and weren  ’t discovered for 2,600 years.
                                                               discovered,  and  the  tomb  that   will   raise   many  quest  ions  is
       It   is   worth   noting   that   the   discovery   began   last  August,  when
                                                               the   tomb   of  wahti'   that  will  make  you   astonished   un  til  the
       the Egyptian mission found thirteen coffins during excavation.
                                                               last moment of the film.
       With   the   continued   digging,   the   research   team   reached
                                                               You   will  indulge  with  the  research   team,   and  you  wi  ll   feel
       fourteen coffins, until the number reached 59 on the second of
                                                               excited   and   nervous  with  each   new   discovery,  how  to     deal
       October last month.
                                                               with  it,  and  how  to  analyze  it  to  extract  the  resul  ts  to  know
       It   is  worth  noting  that  twenty-eight  wooden  statues  of  the   god
                                                               the story behind that coffin or behind that strange   tomb.
       Ptah  Sukkar   were   found  and   statues   made   of  precious   stones
                                                               You  will  see  the  extent  of  the  Pharaohs'  faith  in  t  he  Day  of
       such   as  the  statue   of  the   god   Nefertum   and  another  statue   of
                                                               Judgment  and  how  they  imagine  that  day  when  justice    will
       Bade Amun.
                                                               be achieved for all, you will see the extent of the  ir love and
       Because   of   the   success   achieved   by   this   research   team,   not
                                                               appreciation for life after death.
       only   in   Egypt,   but   in   the   world,   which   led   to   fascination   of
                                                               And their Impressive civilizations are actually bui  lt to draw
       countries,   attracting   their   attention   to   the   new   discoveries   in
                                                               and  visualize  their   dreams,  how   they  imagine  the  li  fe  after
       Saqqara   and   their   curiosity   to   know   the   story   and   history
                                                               death?   And   those   dreams   are   not   necessarily   fulfill  ed   in
       behind   this.   Netflix   decided   to   adopt   that   idea   and   make   a
                                                               their reality!
       documentary film to record those moments that will be written
                                                               This means that the pharaohs were not necessarily s  trong,
       not   only   in   the   history   of   Egypt   but   also   in   the   history   of
                                                               but it is possible that their civilization was buil  t to
       humanity   and   the   film   achieved   great   success   and   attracted
                                                               welcome life after death which would- according to   their
       attention   from   all   countries   until   that   moment.   I   will   analyze
                                                               perception - be much better than their situation at   that time.
       the   film   so   that   the   reader   knows   the   significance   of   these
                                                               I assure you that you will be dazzled by the movie   and will
       discoveries and the extent of the pride we feel as Egyptians for
                                                               be affected by it, especially in the final part of   it, and my
       our Pharaonic civilization:
                                                               wish is to see other new parts to monitor the work   of
       It   was   the   first   time   that   I   watched   a   documentary   about   the
                                                               Egyptians on antiquities in this interesting way th  at makes
       discovery   of   the   Pharaonic   tombs,   because   I   was   convinced
                                                               me feel proud.
       that   these  films   are   boring   and   that  there  will  be   no  events   to
       watch,   but   contrary   to   my   expectation,   that   particular   film
       made me feel very proud and happy!
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