Page 28 - Issue 26
P. 28

Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020                        ELITE


                             Noha Mohamed

         Since  its  launch  on  November  5,  the  first      Since he was a young boy, he was attached to
         Egyptian      series     of    Netflix     original   the novel like many of his generation, and the
         productions has managed to grab attention             events of the novel revolved in his imagination,
         and  create  a  state  of  happiness  and             and  he  always  dreamed  of  directing  such  a
         surprise, while since Netflix's announcement          different work, until he got his property rights
                                                               in  2006  and  from  there  it  all  started,  so  he
         of the contract and the start of filming on its       worked on drawing it as a director for all those
         Facebook page, a state of joy and nostalgia,          years,  until  it  was  ready  and  he  proceeded  to
         especially  for  fans  of  the  novel  prevailed.     face  the  most  prominent  work  challenges  that
         And with the release of the official trailer for      are represented in the production requirements
         the series, everyone awaited the day of the           as these requirements are only available in the
         show with great passion and enthusiasm.               type  of  Ramadan  series,  until  he  signed  the
                                                               contract with Netflix with the enthusiasm of the

         It is "Paranormal" of the late godfather as it        producer  Mohamed  Hefzy,  who  was  from  the
         was called "Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq", an icon             beginning  step  by  step  with  his  friend  Amr
         in the fields of horror literature, fantasy and       Salama, supported him to complete the journey
         science  fiction,  it's  he  who  made  young         and to achieve this risk, whatever the cost.
         people read, and one of his dreams was to             There is no doubt that the hero of the work
         see one of his works embodied in an artistic          will  be  among  the  first  fans  of  Dr  Rifaat
         work  and  this  was  what  the  director  "Amr       Ismail,  but  it  was  not  expected  that  the
         Salama"  promise  to  him  and  he  confirmed         choice  would  fall  on  "Ahmed  Amin",  who
         that he would fight for the emergence of the          dazzled  everyone  with  his  performance
         "Paranormal" novels as a series in the best           despite being a comedian and the distance of
         form,  and  he  kept  his  promise.  Indeed,  Dr      the character of Dr. Refaat from his real life
         Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq had read a few copies             full  of  joy  and  spontaneity,  which  explains
         that  were  written  before  his  death  and  was     the amount of preparations Amin underwent
         happy  with  them,  but  on  the  contrary,  after    and  it  took  him  a  whole  year  to  reach  this
         his  departure,  Amr  was  keen  to  add  some        level  which  has  been  praised  by  the  public,
                                                               and  yet  critics  agreed  on  his  creativity  in
         modifications to satisfy him more.                    perfectly demonstrating his tragic side.

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