Page 31 - Issue 26
P. 31

Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020                        ELITE

                                       " Community Participation:

                                         A Disease or a Medicine" !

                           Islam Mohamed Abdul-Ghani Mohamed ,Third Level ,Political Science

       In   light   of   the  increasing   burdens   and   responsibili  ties   that  incentive   that   leads   to   cooperation   between   individ  uals   in
       fall on all the governments of the world countries,   the term
                                                              the   same   society,   which   constitutes   a   type   of   indiv  iduals
       Community      participation   has   recently   appeared,   whi  ch
                                                              characterized   by   what   is   called   Introvert   or   the   ul  timate
       many   individuals   have   become   repeating,   and   therefo  re   it
                                                              expression  selfishness,   In   addition   to  that,  the  ro  le  of  social
       was  necessary  to   direct  our  attention  to  what    Comm  unity  organizations   that   must   work   to   help   individuals   an  d
       participation  is,   I   found   that   Community  participat  ion   is   a
                                                              convince   them   of   the   importance   of   Community
       possibility   and   opportunities   that   are   necessary   fo  r   all
                                                              participation   and   even   its   necessity,   is   almost   inv  isible,   in
       members   of   society   to   freely   express   and   express   th  eir
                                                              addition   to   the   reliance   of   some  countries  on  centr  alization
       opinions,  and  not  only  that,  but  they  must  have  a  c  lear  role
                                                              in   decision-making   without   having   an   opportunity   to     hear
       in   preparing   plans   for   local   projects   aimed   at   achi  eving
                                                              different   opinions   and   the   absence   of   permanent   fol  low-up
       economic,   social   and   political   development,   but   als  o   to
                                                              of   the   prevailing   social   situation   in   society   What   made
       implement   these   projects   and  follow-up.  Acting   on   i  t,   and
                                                              matters   worse   is   the   difference   in   social   culture   a  mong   a
       Community   participation   takes   place   either   through   the
                                                              large  number  of   members  of   the   community,   in   additi  on   to
       individual  being  a   member  of  society  or  through  the    group
                                                              the   problem   of   the   absence   of   actual   implementation     of
       such as civil charitable organizations, all in orde  r to satisfy
                                                              social   activities   among   members   of   the   same   communi  ty,
       their   needs   fairly   without   harming   the   national   int  erests.      such   as   allocating   a   day   to   help   the   poor   or   even   c  leaning
          Thus,   Community   participation   is   a   solution   to   man  y
                                                              public facilities.
       problems   that   may   face   society.   It   has  been   permitt  ed   for
                                                                         Through   my   handling   of   the   article,   I   found   tha  t   it   is
       me  to  say   that   it   works   to   enhance   the   patriotic   sp  irit   and
                                                              possible   to   solve  such  challenges   by   trying   to   esta  blish   a
       sense   of   the   individuals   through   its   work   to   streng  then
                                                              governmental   organization   that   works   to   encourage
       relations  and  bonds  between  individuals  in  society   through
                                                              individuals   to   community   participate   by   making   them
       cooperation and even its attempt to support individ  uals and
                                                              aware   of   its   importance  and   linking   participation   t  o   some
       integrate   them   into   Community,   and   we   find   it   here   too
                                                              incentives   such   as   increasing   salaries   or   even   mora  l
       The   multiplicity   of   views   that   Community   participat  ion
                                                              appreciation   from   the   state,   Not   only   that,   but   the
       provides   us   creates   an   atmosphere   that   helps   indivi  duals
                                                              organization   is   working   to   study   all   cultures   in   so  ciety,
       reach   logical  solutions   to   crises   that   may   arise   in     society,
                                                              hoping   to   direct   the   attention   of   individuals   to   th  e
       but   it   contributes   to   providing   social   integration   and
                                                              similarities   between   them   in  order   to   bridge  the   po  ints   of
       solidarity   that   is  done  through   the   aid   provided  to     citizens
                                                              view   between   them   and   to   promote   effective   cooperat  ion
       who   suffer   from   poverty.   It  is   my  opinion  that   it  w  orks  to
                                                              related   to   specific  dates   for   charitable   social   act  ivities,   as
       support   local   authorities   and   governments   in   carryi  ng   out
                                                              we   mentioned   before,   and   in   the   end   I   see   that   more
       their   tasks   in   the   community.               But   despite   all   t  hese
                                                              attention  must  be   paid  to   participation   community   b  y   the
       positives   that   will   revolve   in   your   mind   when   you   h  ear
                                                              countries   of   the   world   and   directing   their   ideas   to     face
       about   the   term   Community   participation,   there   are   m  any
                                                              such   challenges,   because   participation   community   ca  n  be
       obstacles   or   challenges   that   prevent   the   full   benef  it   from
                                                              an invaluable treasure.
       Community participation, including the absence of a  n
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