Page 35 - Issue 26
P. 35

Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020                        ELITE

                                 Are psychopaths made or born?

                                         forat hatem

       You  might’ve  seen  a  lot  of  movies  where  the     abandonment.  traumatic  events  also  increase
       main  plot  was  psychopathy,  and  throughout          the chances of psychopathic traits being more
       watching  those  movies,  and  watching  the            pronounced.  Thus,  making  one’s  environment
       gruesome    psychological    and   physical    acts     and  childhood  key  factors  in  triggering
       committed  by  the  antagonist,  you  must’ve           someone’s  psychopathy.    But,  genetics  and
       wondered,  where  did  it  go  wrong  in  someone’s     brain  anatomy  are  indispensable  when  it
       life  for  them  to  turn  into  a  psychopath?  Or  is  comes to someone having an antisocial mental
       there  a  factor  in  their  genes  that  helped  them  disorder.  A  study  on  a  large  group  of  children
       click and lose it all? Well, I’m here to answer your    found more than 60% heritability for "callous-
       speculations.                                           unemotional traits" and that conduct problems
       First  of  all,  Dr.  Henry  R.  Hermann  defined       among children with these traits had a higher
       psychopathy  in  his  book  “Dominance  and             heritability than among children without these
       aggression  in  humans  and  other  animals”  as  a     traits.  fearless  dominance  and  impulsive
       mental    (antisocial)   disorder   in   which   an     antisociality  were  similarly  influenced  by
       individual  manifests  amoral  and  antisocial          genetic  factors  and  uncorrelated  with  each
       behavior,  shows  a  lack  of  ability  to  love  or    other.
       establish  meaningful  personal  relationships,
       expresses      extreme      egocentricity,     and      On  the  other  hand,  researchers  have  linked
       demonstrates a failure to learn from experience         head  injuries  with  psychopathy  and  violence.
       and  other  behaviors  associated  with  the            Since  the  1980s,  scientists  have  associated
       condition.  Which  also  means  that  people            traumatic brain injury, such as damage to the
       diagnosed with this antisocial disorder look and        prefrontal  cortex,  including  the  orbitofrontal
       act like normal people, and maybe even act more         cortex,  with  psychopathic  behavior  and  a
       charming  than  the  average  human,  but  deep         deficient  ability  to  make  morally  and  socially
       inside they lack any semblance of conscience.           acceptable decisions, a condition that has been
                                                               termed       "acquired       sociopathy",      or
       To  find  answers  to  those  previously  asked         "pseudopsychopathy".
       questions, we need to understand that there are
       multiple  factors  that  contribute  in  the  creation  Thus  the  answer  to  that  burning  question  is
       and development of psychopathic traits, such as         that  psychopaths  are  both  made  and  born;
       one's  environment,  upbringing,  genetics,  and        genetic  factors  may  generally  influence  the
       brain  anatomy.  Researchers  discovered  that          development       of     psychopathy        while
       disrupted  parental  bonding  is  associated  with      environmental  factors  affect  the  specific
       higher   levels   of   adult   psychopathy,    also     expression of the traits that predominate.
       childhood abuse, but contrary to popular beliefs,
       physical  abuse  doesn’t  affect  psychopathy  as
       much as mental abuse and
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