Page 37 - Issue 26
P. 37

Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020                        ELITE

                                                 ON FREEDOM

                            Nour yehia, second level, economics

                                                              Revolution   is   an   illustration   of   the   refusal   of   any     kind   of
       Freedom   in   general   is   the   fact   of   detaching   oneself
                                                              manipulation   and   hindrance   to   freedom.   This   was   the
       from  any   form  of  pressure   ,  having   a   light   heart,  the
                                                              perception   of   the   liberal   school   on   the   causes   of   t  his
       possibility   of   doing   what   one   wishes   without   the
                                                              revolution.   It   is   through   the   transition   from   the   a  bsolute
       submission to a certain constraint or hindrance.
                                                              monarchy   to   the   Republic   and   the   emergence   of   the
       The   concept   of   freedom   is   generally   broad   and   can
                                                              Enlightenment   that   we   will   develop   freedom   of   thoug  ht.
       vary   from   one   context   to   another.   It   is   illustrated
                                                              This   revolution   marked   "the   rebirth   of   freedom   of
       through   mediation   in   many   ways,   either   in
                                                              expression".   This   is   also   the   case   of   the   American
       Philosophy, Politics, thought, or even art.
                                                              Revolution in the United States. A law will be legi  slated in
                                                              the   Constitution   that   states   that   "Congress   will   no  t   make
                                                              any   law   restricting   freedom   of   expression   or   freedo  m   of
       First   of   all,   this   concept   varies   according   to   the
                                                              the press". This  movement also contributed to the   freedom
       region   where   one   is,   so   we   can   say   that   freedom   is
                                                              of  faith   according   to  the   declaration   of   rights   of   Man   and
       not  defined  the  same  way  everywhere  in  the  world. If
                                                              citizens  in  1789  "  No  one  can  be  worried   for  his  op  inions,
       we   start   with   the   West,   we   can   see   that   the
                                                              even  religious  ones,  provided   that   their  manifestat  ion  does
       application   and   implementation   of   this   concept
                                                              not   disturb   the   public   order   established   by   law   ".   It   is
       appears  through  the  emergence  of  the  Enlightenment.
                                                              therefore   about   freedom   of   expression,   opinion   and
       It   is  to  The  Allegory   of  Plato's   cave  that  we   describe
                                                              thought,   conscience   and   religion.   Initially,   in   Fra  nce,
       this   era   that   people   are  locked  up   by   their  own   ideas
                                                              anyone   who   is   not   Catholic   was   frowned   upon,   and   wi  th
       and   their   own   thinking   unable   to   see   the   outside
                                                              the   emergence   of   the   concept   of   secularism,   everyon  e
                                                              became free to choose their faith.
       world.   During   the   development   of   any   kind   of
       science,   we   develop   different   forms   of   freedom   and
                                                              To   conclude,   we   can   say   that   freedom   is   a   process   t  hat
       we   can   build   our   own   ideas   from   these   discoveries
                                                              rises in the West from the emergence of the Enlight  enment
       and   by   their   guiding   light.   This   movement   of   Light
                                                              movement   and   that   its   implementation   is   a   process   t  hat
       demands   the   nativity   of   individual   freedom,   equal
                                                              lasts  over  time.  In  the  19th  century,  freedom  of  ex  pression
       rights,  freedom  of  thought  and  belief.  First  of  all  ,  we
                                                              was   not   absolute   since   the   writer   Aurore   Dudevant   w  ho
       will   deal   with   some   of   these   freedoms.   Individual
                                                              had   written   her   first   novel   under   the   pseudonym   Geo  rge
       freedom   and   more   precisely   in   France   was   risen
                                                              Sand   had   a   male   outfit   because   of   the   male   figure
       following   the   French   Revolution   of   1789.   Individual
                                                              attributed   to   writers,   which   shows   that   freedom   rem  ains
       freedoms   consist   of   several   freedoms   that   must   be  restricted.   Indeed,   despite  the   fact   that   we   are   in     the   21st
                                                              century,  freedom  remains   relative  and  in  several  co  untries,
       protected   and   guaranteed   by   the   sovereign.   Before
                                                              freedom   is   restricted   by   its   political   regime   such   as   the
       detailing this point, we can note that the French
                                                              Chinese Communist regime.
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