Page 40 - Issue 26
P. 40
Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020 ELITE
World’s Wealthiest man- Jeff Bezos- shares his
routine and claims it’s the routine for success
Salma Yasser Salah El din , 2nd level, Economics
Although Jeff Bezos is usually occupied with
Holding the title for the third year in a row, Jeff
work and meetings, he makes sure he organizes
Bezos is the wealthiest man in the world with a net
his time and meetings according to priority and
worth of approximately $202 billion. Not only is he
importance. Moreover, Jeff Bezos makes sure
the CEO of Amazon but he also owns various
to do his important meetings or as he described,
business ventures, as he ’s the founder of the space
high IQ and mentally challenging meetings at
exploration company Blue Origin and the Owner of
10 am when he is most focused and energetic.
The Washington Post. Jeff Bezos shares his secret
Furthermore, he avoids taking any decisions
of success, his daily routine, which enables him to
after 5 pm when he ’s unable to think preferring
live a healthy life while still excelling and growing
to postpone them for the next day. He believes
globally in his career.
his job to be about making a small number of
Shockingly, the daily routine of the world ’s
high quality decisions, highlighting the value of
wealthiest man is not that busy as imagined. Many
putting a limit for oneself and prioritizing tasks
may think that Jeff Bezos works 24 hours a day;
as key factors for success nowadays. After
however, it ’s the complete opposite. Generally, Jeff
work, he makes sure he spends some quality
Bezos likes to take his time to rest and take his
time with his family and then goes to sleep by 8
decisions patiently and carefully.
to be able to start the next day energetically.
As many Successful entrepreneurs, Jeff Bezos goes
In a nut shell, this seems to be the ultimate
to sleep early and wakes up at around 3:45 am. He
recipe for excellence. No one could have
makes sure he gets the full 8 hours of sleep, which
imagined that the world ’s wealthiest man has
helps him think better, be more energized and work
time to spend with his family and do some
efficiently. As much as sleeping is important to
chores and is not always engrossed in work.
him, so as waking up early in order to take time to
Although there ’s nothing new or abnormal in
do the things he likes which do not require a lot of
this routine, its flawlessness lies in the fact, that
thinking like having breakfast with his children and
it enables one to achieve the perfect work life
sometimes doing the dishes. According to a study
balance without physically or emotionally
done by the University of California, these type of
exhausting one ’s self.
mindless activities help one be more creative.