Page 36 - Issue 26
P. 36
Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020 ELITE
Philosophy of Guilty
Upbringing (2)
mohamed el sawy, 2nd level, Economics
«There is no right without left », this is a fact I state to start If what we presented did not show any form of negligence,
talking about the case previously mentioned in the last article then negligence is clear in the details of this mode of
entitled: «Philosophy of Guilty Upbringing », part 1. In that upbringing. In this respect, the parents neglect upbringing
article we dealt with parental dominance with negligence. Here, their children to be independent of them. This resulting
we are dealing with another side, namely excessive spoiling dependent self would be a fertile soil for all sorts of traits
along with negligence. What we mean with the stated fact is that different even to the traits of the parents. Besides, it would be
if parental dominance is guilt, so excessive spoiling may be more difficult to reform comparing to the independent self that
more sinful and may have worse effects on shaping and building would definitely be affected by the outer environment with its
the conscience and the thought of the child, or perhaps innate and intrusive factors.
destroying both of them precisely speaking.
Since creation till our modern day, the society has not been set Let's talk about another kind of negligence that can be
on perfect modes of sound upbringing, although we had left considered the utmost form of negligence. In this respect, the
Bedouin life style behind us and went all the way to civilization, parents leave their children to their whims and let them
and left the tribe and went to the city. Some high values of indulge in the pleasures of life. They let them do whatever
upbringing inspired by the human heritage may comply to fit they want without any surveillance because of the social vices
with renovation and modernity. However, those old values are represented by authority, influence and wealthy. Parents who
never away of religion, customs and morals. Nonetheless, have authority, influence and wealth would think their
models of upbringing may have been diversified without being children do not belong to the common society, so they try to
based on stable basis because it deviated from these previously give them special upbringing under their wings, as if the soil
mentioned items. of gold would bear golden fruits.
To continue what we started in the first part of the article, it is If the previously mentioned three examples are all found in
worth stating that negligence is never away of dominance and every household in society, then we would have a disobedient
spoiling. In the first part, we dealt with «dominance and generation that lacks religion, values and ethics. By this way,
negligence ». Here, we shall continue with «spoiling and every deviant habit would be considered an aspect of
negligence ». With the first breath outside the womb of his modernity, while observance would be considered
mother, the child in his cradle starts to weave his conscience backwardness and reaction. As per this disobedience, it is
and thought from those of his mother and father. When he worth saying that if all the disobedient are siblings to the son
completes his ninth month, he starts to walk with irregular of Noah —PBUH — in his disobedience, then not all the
movements. He tries to stand, but falls, he tries to rise but he parents are siblings to Noah —PBUH — in his way of
seeks the help of his parents. Yet, he will not walk with steady upbringing his children. Noah did not lose hope in calling his
steps until he tries on his own. son to guidance till the last moment in his life. This is
mentioned in the holy Quran as follows: « And it sailed with
From what we stated we can conclude that excessive attention, them through waves like mountains, and Noah called to his
care and spoiling may make the children feeble! We hardly son who was apart [from them], "O my son, come aboard with
refused letting alone and parental negligence, but we presented us and be not with the disbelievers. [But] he said, "I will take
more evil upbringing and more devastating reformation. When refuge on a mountain to protect me from the water." [Noah]
the parents take care of every minute detail about the life of said, "There is no protector today from the decree of Allah,
their children, they make them a deformed copy of them that except for whom He gives mercy." And the waves came
lacks independence. In the first case the child would seek between them, and he was among the drowned. »Surah HUD,
support in his parents to walk, but by this way of dependence he verses (42- 43).
is amputating his legs making them needless.