Page 39 - Issue 26
P. 39

                                         Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020
                                        Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020                        ELITE


                                       INVASION : PAST & PRESENT

          Invasion   is   a   word   that   is   not   strange   to   our   ears,
                                                                   MARIAM YEHIA, THIRD LEVEL,
       especially   among   the   people   of   the   Middle   East.   Our
                                                                   POLITICAL SCIENCE
       Arab   nation      from   ancient   times   represents   the
       covetousness   of   the   invaders,   and   the   best   evidence
       for   that   is   the   Zionist   Israeli   invasion   of   Palestine.
                                                                Looking  at   our  situation   now  as  an  Arab   nation,   we
       Therefore, we find that the concept of the invasion has
                                                                find   we   have   been   invaded   successfully,   and   we
       settled   in   our   minds   that   it   is   a   country   that   uses   its
                                                                find   that   there   is   no   place   for   the   League   of   Arab
       army  to   impose   its   control   on   another,   while  it   resists
                                                                States,  there   is  no  place   for  our   union  as  Arabs,   we
       the   latter   by   using   what   it   possesses   in   terms   of
                                                                find  that   there  is   no   place  for   our  Arab   language  as
       capabilities   and  military  resources,  so   when   any  of  us
                                                                it has become replaced by foreign languages   and the
       hears   the   word   "invasion"   comes   before   our   eyes   a
                                                                emergence of what  is known as Franco. We find the
       short   film   about   wars   ,   destroy,   the   blood   ,   dead   and
                                                                spread   of   programs   and   applications   between
       wounded soldiers.
                                                                Children   and   youth   aim   to   export   moral   decay
            But the matter has changed a lot with the beginning
                                                                instead   of   Arab   values,   habits   and   legacies.   One   of
       of  our  current  century,  so  the  invasion  turned  from  the
                                                                the   most   famous   examples   is   (Netflix)   and
       conquest   of   lands   to   the   conquest   of   minds,   and   the
       goal   of   the   invaders   shifted   from   a   plane,   a   tank,   or
       even a combat soldier to a cultural heritage, a tradition
                                                                Atheism   and   homosexuality   became   a   normal
       of   inheritance   and   a   moral   value,   so   we   find   that   the  phenomenon.   Chivalry   and   gallantry   became
                                                                traditional   old   concepts,   replaced   by   harassment,
       weapons   used   in   war   have   turned   into   one   weapon,
                                                                rape   and   murder.   The   revolution   became   a   post   on
       Only oneand it is the weapon of technology.
                                                                Facebook.   Our   feelings   towards   major   issues   such
                  And   I   think   that   this   kind   of   invasion   targets   only
                                                                as   the   Palestinian   and   Syrian   issue   became   in   Like
       our   Arab   region   with   the   aim   of   (Westernization),
                                                                and   Comment.  We   became  Arabs   without   a   nation,
       with  the   aim   of   consolidating   the   Western   lifestyle   in
                                                                we   became  a  people   devoid   of   feelings,   we   became
       the  minds  of  our  youth,  with  the  aim  of  destroying   the
                                                                a   people   without   values.   They   succeeded   in

       values     and   morals   of   our   young   children,   and
                                                                invading   us,   so   we   have   to   wake   up   from   our
       destroying  the   division   and   dispersion   and   destroying
                                                                negligence   to   save   future   generations.   .   We   must
       our nationalism and our Arab identity.
                                                                restore   our   Arab   identity   to   save   our   future
                                                                generations from the evils of this invasion.
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