Page 30 - Issue 26
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Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020                        ELITE

                                   Democracy, a strong system ?

                                   Mariam eldeeb

                                                           According   to   the   ancient   historian   Thucydides,  At   the   end   of   the   Second   World   War,   there   was   a
        democracy  is   a   regime   where   “power   is   in   the  hands   not  of   the  significant  rise   in  democratization  throughout   the   world.
        few  but  of  the  majority  ”.  The  word   “democracy  ”  is  derived  from
                                                                Countries   like   India   have   started   democratizing   sin  ce
        the   greek   words  ”   Demos  ”   meaning   “people  ”   and   “Kratos  ”
                                                                1947,   right   after   their   decolonization.   The   1948
        meaning   “power  ”.  Therefore,  we  can  define  the  democratic  ideal
                                                                Universal   Declaration   of   the   Rights   of   Men   serves   a  s
        as  being,   according  to  Abraham  Lincoln,  the  ”  government  of  the
                                                                their   democratic   model.   This   text   specifies   the
        people, by the people and for the people  ”. Thus, we can pose the
                                                                fundamental   principles   of   democracy,   such   as   the
        question:   Is   democracy   a   strong   regime   that   guarantees   the
                                                                separation of powers by Montesquieu, the holding of   free
        stability   and   continuity   of   countries?   First   of   all,   we   will
                                                                elections,   the  multiparty  system,   as   well   as   fundam  ental
        approach   the   boom   of   democracy,   its   principles   and   its
                                                                human   rights   such   as   equality,   freedom   of   thought   a  nd
        advancements.   Furthermore,   we   will   broach   its   fragilities   ,all
                                                                expression, the right to property. , ...
        while proposing some solutions.
                                                                                 However, this democratization proc  ess is very
                                            In   search   of   a   regime   that   assures   the   stability   and
                                                                fragile.   We   have   countries   like   Chile   in   1973,   whic  h
        continuity  of  the  city  state,  Athens  experimented  in  the  antiquity
                                                                have taken the opposite course and have reverted ba  ck to
        with   several   political   regimes,   passing   through   monarchy,
                                                                dictatorship.  The  number   of  democracies   seems  to  be    on
        oligarchy,   before   arriving   to   democracy   in   the   fifth   century
                                                                the   decline   over   the   past   20   years.   The   democratic
        before  JC.  In  fact,  direct  democracy  was  born  in  Athens  with  the
                                                                climate   is   deteriorating   all   over   the   world.   In   old
        establishment of institutions such as the helice and the boul  ê who
                                                                democracies, the will of the people is not always a  ssured.
        hold respectively the legal and executive powers. Magistrates are
        elected   or   drawn   by   lot   for   one   year,   which   ensures   a   rapid  For   example,   in   the   United   States   in   the   2016   elect  ion,
        rotation   of   power.   In   the   Ecclesia,   all   citizens   can   discuss   and  Clinton   beat  Trump  by   more   than   2M  popular   votes,  b  ut
        vote  on  laws,  ostracism,   war,   and   peace.   In  contrast,  citizenship
                                                                lost   the   election.   In   Russia,   despite   the   holding   o  f   free
        in   Athens  is  very   limited.   Women,  foreigners   and   slaves   are  not
                                                                elections,   opponents   are   prosecuted   and   the   press
        granted this legal-political status.
                                                  After   the   American   War   of   Independence   and   the
                                                                                In conclusion, democracy has as a f  undamental
        French   Revolution,   debates   around   democracies   multiply.   In  his
                                                                principle   the   assurance   of   the   freedoms   set   out   in   the
        book  "From   the  Democracy   of  the  Ancients   compared  to  that  of
                                                                Universal   Declaration   of   Human   Rights.   The   forms   of
        the   Moderns",   Benjamin   Constant   discusses  the   freedom   of   the
                                                                democracy   change   over   the   centuries   to   meet   the
        elders  to  be   able  to  participate   in  political  life,  but   the  individual
                                                                definition   of   freedom.   On   the   other   hand,   democracy  ,
        is   subject  to  the   authority  of   the   community.   On   the   other  hand,
                                                                which   flourished   in   the   20th   century,   is   starting   t  o
        freedom   from  the   point  of   view  of   the   Moderns  is  to  be   able  to
                                                                weaken nowadays. One question begs to be asked:   ‘is the
        enjoy   individual   freedoms.   For   Constant,   the   only   regime   that
                                                                erosion   of   democracy   irresistible  ’,as   Vladimir   Putin
        allows   these   two   freedoms   to   coexist   is   representative
                                                                proclaims  in  a  long  interview  with  the  financial  ti  mes,  or
        democracy,   where   the   people   delegate   representatives   to   make
                                                                can it still be saved?
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