Page 23 - Issue 26
P. 23

Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020                        ELITE

                                Islamophobia is the curtain behind

                                       ambitions in the Middle East

                                 Nahed ali. 2nd level, political science

                                                              power   in   a   number   of   Arab   countries   and      Supporting   and
         Ambitions   in   the   Middle   East   are   endless   because   of   what   the
                                                              financing terrorist groups to carry out terrorist operations against
       Middle  East   possesses  in  terms  of   oil  and  natural  gas  that   makes
                                                              churches   and   military   units,   spreading   chaos,   discord   and
       them the focus of Western attention and ambitions, and this is not
                                                              destruction   in   the   Arab   countries,   and   this   is   what   actually
       new,  but   it  is  from   old  times,  and  these   ambitions  are   in   constant
                                                              happened.   Many   countries   have   witnessed   civil   wars   and
       and permanent renewal, especially from the countries of the West
                                                              divisions,   as   happened   in   Sudan,   Syria,   Libya   and   Yemen,
       that   have   returned   to   colonial   policies,   but   in   a   new   form   by
                                                              including   chaos,   armed   groups   and   refugees,   and   Egypt
       inventing   what   is   known      No   Islamophobia   Before   delving   into
                                                              witnessed   many   terrorist   operations   and   attempts   to   ignite
       these policies, we must know what Islamophobia is?    When  did  it
                                                                 Sectarian   strife   in   it   and   igniting   civil   wars   until   the   June   30
       appear and how was it used to interfere in the politics of countries
                                                              revolution   came   in   a   way   other   than   that   which   it   liked   to
       and spread chaos and destruction in the Middle East region?
                                                              American  plans.  Hillary  Clinton  said  that   the  June  30  revolution
                                                              upended   the   balance   of  American   plans   in  the  Middle   East  and
          Islamophobia   is   a   term   that   means   dread   and   intense   fear   of
                                                              the United States of America worked to take Islamophobia as its
       Islam   that   amounts   to   a   sick   fear.      This   term   appeared   in   the
                                                              biggest enemy that must be eliminated from one side.  Others are
       twentieth   century   and   spread   widely   and   flourished   in   the   21st
                                                              the   biggest   supporter   and   financier   for   him   and   his   policies
       century  after   the   events   of   September  11,   2001,   as  the   American
                                                              through   the   leaks   that   exposed   Hillary   Clinton,   who
       media   and   political   parties   exploited   it   to   achieve   gains   from
                                                              recommended   US   President   Donald   Trump   to   spread   these
       behind   it   either   in   the   elections   or   the   publication   of   policies
                                                              scandals   to   the   media   to   highlight   the   greater   role   of   the   US
       hostile   to   the   Islamic   religion,   especially   with   the   influx   of
                                                              State   Department   and   the   Obama   period   of   rule   that   brought
       immigrants   from   Arab   and   Islamic   countries   in   a   way.      Public.
                                                              havoc and devastation to the Middle East region.
         But   America   had  a   special   use   of  this   term   and   promoted   it   by
       supporting and financing terrorist groups and providing them with
                                                              As America uses the term Islamophobia as a star, hiding its ugly
       material,   ideological   and   military   support   to   spread   chaos,
                                                              face   behind   it,   as   it   appears   to   the   world   that   it   wants   to   fight
       destruction   and   civil   wars   in   the   Middle   East   region,   and   this
                                                              terrorism  and   supports  refugees   through  the  financial   support  it
       became   more  evident   after   the   Hillary  Clinton  scandal  by   e-mail
                                                              provides   to   the   UNICEF   and   the   refugee   and   refugee   rights
       that   the   group   was   communicating   with.      The   Brotherhood   and
                                                              organization   and   organizations,   and   on   the   other   hand   it   helps
       the Al-Jazeera channel, where the emails contained the funding of
                                                              support  ISIS  and  terrorist  organizations   that  work   to   increase  it.
       the   Al-Jazeera   channel   amounting   to   100   million   dollars.   What
                                                                 The   number   of   murderers   and   refugees   and   the   increase   in
       makes the US Department of State represented by Hillary Clinton
                                                              tension   in   the   Middle   East   region   has   not   spared   any   Arab
       to   provide   such   a   large   financial   support   for   a   media   channel
                                                              country   in   which   the   United   States   of   America   interfered   but
       other   than   the   spread   of   chaos  and   confusion  in   the   countries  of
                                                              was destroyed, and the green and miserable America and Zionist
       the  region  and  it   is   strange   that  all   this   was   happening  before   the
                                                              terrorism   were   eradicated.      Al-Hayat,   despite   that   Israel   is
       establishment      The   Arab   Spring,   which   makes   us   conclude   that
                                                              committing   the   most   heinous   crimes   against   Arabs   since   the
       the   Arab   Spring   was   a   conspiracy   against   the   countries   of   the
                                                              1948  war,  but   the  brutal  media   considers  it  self-defense,   and  the
       region, as there is an article  published in the New York Times on
                                                              Arabs  themselves  are  terrorism.  American  policies  will   continue
       a   plan   that   was   created   during   the   era   of   US   President   Barack
                                                              to   strike   Arab   laws   against   the   wall,   objecting   to   the
       Obama,  which  was  known   as  the  most  dangerous  document   ever
                                                              establishment   of   a   common   market   alone,   and   the   spread   of
       in   spreading   chaos   and   destruction   in   the   Middle   East   region,
                                                              poison  in  our  Arab  lands  through    Using   Qatar   and  Turkey   and
       known as  The secret executive document that worked to establish
                                                              making   the   Middle   East   a   region   of   continuous   tension   and
       the   so-called   Greater   Middle   East   by   making   the   Muslim
                                                              endless wars.
       Brotherhood take
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