Page 22 - Issue 26
P. 22

Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020                        ELITE

                                  How Hollywood distorted the

                                             image of the Arabs?

                             Marwa Mahdy, 3rd level, political science

      Try   to   think   of   the   last   Hollywood   movie   you   watche  d   that  Mecca,   and   the   plane   is   full   of   Arabs   and   animals:   goats,
      featured  an   Arab,   what   do   you   see?   A   black  beard,  r  obes  and  sheep,   and   chickens.   What   I   mean   is   that   they   do   no  t   go
      turban,   black  glasses..and   in   the   background  is   a   l  imousine,   a  anywhere   without   Their   damned   animals,   we   had   to   pu  t
      harem,   servants,   oil   wells,   camels   and   a   desert..   o  r   a   young  plastic  in  the   cabins.   ”As  he  spoke  this,  his  friend  ’s  features
      man   carrying   a   Kalashnikov   machine   gun   and   blind   ha  tred  were   showing   signs   of  amazement   and   exclamation.   In     the
      flying  out   of  his  eyes  and  the  word   of  God  on  his  l  ips  ..  Is  this  movie   "The   Dictator"   was   his   hero   (Sasha   Baron   Cohe  n),
      not  what  you  see?  As  Arabs,  we   have  become   accustom  ed  to  who   played   the   role   of   (Aladdin),   a   dictatorial   fig  ure   who
      the   abusive   stereotype   that   Arab   and   Islamic   civili  zation   and  appeared   arrogant   and   stupid   at   the   same   time,   and   bore
      culture  appear  in  American  cinema  from  time   immemor  ial,  as  deep   connotations   of   violence   that   was   associated   w  ith   the
      barbarism,   backwardness   and   barbarism   are   vocabular  y   that  Middle   East   in   general.   In   the   movie   "Rules   of
      accompanies  the  Arab   wherever   he  is,   and   this   is  wh  at  we  see  Engagement",   the   Yemenis   demonstrate   in   front   of   th  e
      in   tens   of   hundreds   of   Hollywood   films   that   have   cl  assified  American   embassy   to   protest   the   American   presence   i  n   the
      Arabs into four types, represented in:                  region,  so  the  US   Marines   kill   83  of   the  demonstrat  ors,   and
      1-The   Bad   Arab   Personality   Always   -The   one   who   alwa  ys  the   FBI   begins   to   investigate   the   matter,   and   it   be  comes
      seeks to kill and harm friends before the enemies.      clear in the end that the reason for the killing of   these people
      2-The   personality   of   the   stupid   or   no-intelligent   A  rab-   where  is   that   they   shot   the   Marines,   so   it   was   the   duty   o  f   the
      the   Arab   appears   to   be  unaware   of   what  he   is   doing   and   it   is  Marines.   The   soldiers   defend   themselves   against   the
      easy to kill or deceive him.                            brutality  and   barbarity  of  the  Yemenis.  This  is  wha  t  the  film
      3-The   Arab  Bedouin   Personality  -This  category  does   not   refer  shows,   which   proves   with   evidence   the   barbarism   of   the
      to   the   original   Bedouin   who   knows   the   secrets   of   th  e   desert,  Arabs   who   reject   peace,   and   embodies   the   participat  ion   of
      the   sciences   of   the   stars,   etc.,   but   rather   that   Ho  llywood  children in the killing and terrorism of American p  acifists in
      depicts   a   part   of   the   Arabs   who   do   not   know   anythin  g   but  Yemen.  The  seriousness  of  the  stereotype  that  the  A  merican
      desert and beauty.                                      cinema   has   formed   of   Arabs   and   Islam:   There   is   no   d  oubt
      4-The   Arrogant   Arab   Personality   -   appeared   when   the  that  the  image   formed  by  one  of  the  peoples  plays  a    big  role
      character of the Arab Sheikh is talked about, where   he appears  in   determining  the  relationship   of   the  other  people  s   with   it,
      arrogant   and   stupid   who   controls   everyone   with   mone  y.  and   thus   also   contributes   to   determining   his   work
      Perhaps  the  biggest   reason  for  this  is  the  control   of  the   Jewish  opportunities   and   the   margin   of   movement   in   the   reg  ional
      capital   over   the   reins   of   affairs   in   the   United   Sta  tes   of  and   international   arena,   and   studies   have   confirmed     that
      America,   who   see   that   Arabs   and   Muslims   pose   a   thre  at   to  Americans   in   general   do   not   know   about   Arabs   and   Is  lam
      them,   so   they   start   striking   them   relentlessly,   rel  ying   on   lies  other   than   the   distorted   image   of  them.   Conclusion.  .   if   you
      and   falsification,   while   the   Arabs   fall   into   a   deep     sleep,  do  not  hurry  to  paint  your  image  in  America  as  you   like  and
      unaware of the growing hatred of the street Western   to them.  want,   there   are   those   who   volunteer   to   paint   his   im  age   for
      Hollywood   films   mostly   despise   Arabs.   In   “The   Bonfire   Of  you   as   he   likes   and   desires,   and   in   a   way   that   serv  es   his
      The Vanities  ” one actor says to his friend:   “We were going to   goals   and   presence,   not   your   interests   and   strategi  es,   and
                                                              that is the disaster, not the accident.
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