Page 20 - Issue 26
P. 20

Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020                        ELITE

                                  where did the boycot of french

                                                 goods reach?

       Rahma Khaled Abdul Nabi                                                       Souad Atta Muhammad
       Muhammad                                                                                       Ibrahim
       3rd level, economics                                                           3rd level;, economics

       Recently,   social   networking   sites   witnessed   the   news   of   a  On  October   16,  2020,   the  French  police   announced   that   they
       boycott   of  French   products   by  Arab  countries   due  to   French  had   killed   a   young   man   who   had   cut   off   the   neck   of   his
       President   Macron's   abuse   of   the   Messenger   of   Islam,  teacher  because  of  his  showing  his  pupils  offensive  drawings
       Muhammad,   may   God   bless   him   and   grant   him   peace,   and  of  the  Prophet  of  Islam  in  a  lesson  on  freedom  of  expression,
       that   boycott  was  in   response  to   the   re-publication  of  French  and   Macron   indicated   that   this   student  ’ s   behavior   was   a
       newspapers  of  cartoons  offensive   to  the   Prophet  of  Islam  on  terrorist   act   and   did   not   take   into   account   the   religion   of
       the   front   of   French   hotels   in   the   cities   of   Toulouse   And  Muhammad   and   did   not   respect   the   Islamic   religion.   There
       Montpellier,  in  addition  to  the  French  President  ’ s  pledge  not  are  some   Arab   countries   that  have  taken   a  stand  against  that
       to   abandon   the   cartoons,   during   a   memorial   service   for  abuse, headed by Turkey.
       teacher Samuel Bate, who was killed by a Muslim student on
       October   16,   2020,   after   this   teacher   showed   him   cartoons  Rajap  Erdogan  -  President  of  Turkey  -  attacked  the  President
       offensive   to   the   Messenger   in   a   lesson   on   freedom   of  of   France,   describing   him   as   needing   psychological
       expression.   Then   there   was   an   uprising   by   the   pioneers   of  treatment,  and   Kuwait  also  had  a   role   in  that  boycott,   where
       social   networking  sites   in   most  Islamic   and   Arab  countries,  the   Consumer   Cooperative   Association   in   Kuwait  boycotted
       and   hashtags   demanding   Muslims   to   boycott   French  French   products,   as   well   as   Al-Wajbah   Dairy   Company   in
       products varied.                                       Qatar announced its boycott of French products, and a pledge
                                                              to   provide   other   similar   and   alternative   products.   The
         Many   tweets  demanded   the   revenge   of   Islam  and   Muslims  reactions  were  not  limited  to  Turkey,  Qatar  and  Kuwait  only,
       by   boycotting   French   products,   so   it   issued   a   hashtag   (#  as   the  Islamic  Action  Front   in  Jordan   called   for   a  boycott   of
       boycott_products_french)   Twitter   has   garnered   more   than  French   products,   in   addition   to   calling   many   merchants   in
       190,000   tweets,   according   to   the   BBC.   The   tweeters   also  Algeria to boycott French products, and a number of shops in
       published   a   list   of   French   products   available   in   the   Arab  Amman   called   for   the   necessity   to   boycott   French  products.
       market  and  demanded  to  boycott  it,  and  social  and  economic  Likewise,   Egypt,   where   the   sale   of   France's   products   was
       globalization   had   a   prominent   role   in   this   boycott,   as  prohibited   in   three   commercial   chains   in   different
       globalization   enabled   individuals   to   be   more   aware   of  what  governorates.   Speaking   of   the   volume   of   France  ’s   products
       is   happening   in   other   countries,   so   that   boycott   has   already  exports   within   Arab   countries,   we   find   that   the   volume   of
       spread massively through social networking sites. .    France  ’ s   exports   in  7  Arab  countries  last   year  reached   about
                                                              $  29  billion,  the   most  prominent   of   which   was   Morocco  and
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