Page 19 - Issue 26
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Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020                        ELITE

                             The History Definer: Kamala harris

                           Reem Omran, 2nd level, Economics

                                                              unopposed in the second term as the 27th District a  ttorney
       A   couple   of   weeks   ago,   the   women   and   people   of   colo  r
                                                              of  San  Francisco  and  was  announced  as  the   32nd   Gene  ral
       communities   experienced   a   huge   sense   of   achievement
                                                              Attorney  of  California   in  2012   and  United   States  Se  nator
       after   Kamala   Harris   was   announced   as   the   first   fema  le
                                                              in 2017.
       vice   president-elect   in   history,   alongside   being   th  e   first
       Asian-American  and   African-American  to  ever  reach  t  hat
                                                              In   March   of   2020,   Joe   Biden,   who   was   preparing   for
       position.   Her   achievements   didn  ’t   stop   there;   Kamala   is
                                                              running   for   presidency   at   the   time,   has   expressed   h  is
       the   highest-ranking   female   elected   official   in   the   U.S.
                                                              interest  in  selecting   a  female  as  his   running  mate,     and  the
                                                              media   speculations   had   Kamala  ’s   name   mentioned   as   a
                                                              possible   candidate   a   lot,   until   it   was   confirmed   by     the
       Born   and   raised   in   California,   Harris  ’s   childhood
                                                              CNN   in   June;  Kamala   was  amongst   the  4  contenders   th  at
       wouldn  ’t be described as easy, nor stable since her parent  s
                                                              would   be   selected   for   Vice   Presidency.   Biden  announ  ced
       got   divorced   at   the   age   of   7.   Her   dark   skin   and   Ind  ian
                                                              his   final   decision   on   the   11th   of   August   with   Kamal  a
       origins   were   also   a   source   of   difficulties,   as   she   was
                                                              Harris  as  his  selected  running  mate,  to  be  the  firs  t  African
       strongly   bullied   because   of   them.   At   the   age   of   12,     she
                                                              American   and  Asian  American  nominee  in   the  history   of
       moved  to  Canada,  where   she  spent   her   teenage   years   and
                                                              the   US.   Harris   marked   history   one   more   time   by
       got   a   degree   in   economics   and   political   science,   be  fore
                                                              becoming  the   first   ever  female   vice   president   after     Biden
       returning   to   California   to   attend   law   school   at   the
                                                              was   officially   announced   as   the   winner   of   2020  ’s
       University   of   California,   Hastings   College   of   Law.   She
                                                              presidential race on the 7th of November.
       was   admitted   to   the   California   bar   shortly   after   he  r
                                                              Kamala  ’s   success   made   her   subject   to   many   claims,   on
       graduation, and that was the first step towards her   journey
                                                              top   of   them   are   the   Zionist   claims.   Following   her   g  reat
       of   success.   Her   political   career   started   off   as   a   d  eputy
                                                              Vice-Presidency   achievement,   Kamala   received   severa  l
       district   attorney   in   Alameda   County,   California.
                                                              attacks   and   backlashes   stating   that   the   world   shoul  dn  ’t
       Throughout   her   early   career,   she   was   constantly   ref  erred
                                                              celebrate   a   Zionist   and   someone   who   is   pro   abolishi  ng
       to as   “an able prosecutor on the way up".
                                                              Palestine   and   exploiting   innocents   in   the   middle,   a  ll   in
                                                              favor   of  the   American  political  agenda.  Actually,  K  amala
       In   2003,   Harris   was   competing   in   her   first  ever   ele  ction;
                                                              emphasized  in   several  personal  statements  that  she   in  fact
       she   was   running   for   the   position   of   the   27th   Distri  ct
                                                              recognizes   Palestine   and  that   she   is   working   on  res  toring
       Attorney   of   San   Francisco.   Despite   being   the  least   know
                                                              aid   and   renewing   ties.   Another   implication   that   hau  nts
       among   the   running   candidates,   Harris   was  able   to   se  cure
                                                              Kamala   ever   since   1994   was   the   fact   that   she   owes   h  er
       the position, after winning 56% of the runoff votes   against
                                                              career  to  her   ex-boyfriend   Willie   Brown,   since   appo  inted
       Hallinan,   her   former   boss.   Harris   brawled   her   way
                                                              to   the   state   back   then.   However,   it  ’s   should   be   crystal
       through   this   election   by   playing   it   smart,   and   was
                                                              clear  at  this  point  that  her  great   career  is  all  a   result  of  her
       crowned   as   the   first   black   district   attorney   of   San
                                                              own  efforts,  since  she  later  excelled  in  huge   elect  ions  and
       Francisco.  Harris   was  able  to  maintain  a   win  streak     in   all
                                                              positions all by her own.
       her following elections; she ran
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