Page 11 - Issue 60
P. 11

Vol.1 Issue 60 OCTOBER  2023                                ELITE

           Then Ambassador Namira Najm commented                 as  well  as  the  southern  countries
           on  the  idea  of  internal  and  international       that  are  experiencing  instability

           displacement,       stressing      that     forced
                                                                 not only due to conflicts but also
           displacement  includes  the  existence  of
                                                                 climate  changes  that  lead  to
           coercive  reasons  that  forced  people  to  be
           displaced.  She  also  pointed  out  the migration  from  rural  or  even

           importance  of  distinguishing  between  forced       coastal  areas  to  cities  and  then
           and  voluntary  displacement.  That's  why  the
                                                                 living  in  unsafe  or  unqualified
           term irregular migration is the right one to be
                                                                 areas.  She  also  talked  about  the
           used, not illegal migration because the use of
                                                                 phenomenon  of  terrorism  in
           such  a  wrong  term  means  killing  the
           conventions  of  international  humanitarian Mali, Nigeria, and Mozambique,
           law, which guarantees the right of movement           which is a threat to the security of

           and  migration  to  everyone.  She  stated  that      the  continent,  and  pointed  out
           wars  are  the  most  important  reason  behind
                                                                 that  the  role  of  the  African
           displacements, and then she touched on Gaza
                                                                 Observatory  lies  in  monitoring
           as it lies on the border of an African country
           where 1.9 million citizens are being internally and  analyzing  these  phenomena
           displaced.  She  also  pointed  to  the  Sahel        to  contribute  to  solving  them  to
           African countries that are experiencing either        make  policies  that  can  be

           internal movement or the movement between
                                                                 proposed  to  the  decision-maker
           countries  such  as  the  Democratic  Congo,
                                                                 in the African Union.
           Sudan, Central Africa, and Burkina Faso,

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