Page 7 - Issue 60
P. 7
Vol.1 Issue 60 OCTOBER 2023 ELITE
office dedicated to the volunteer, such as the office for Latin American countries. Egypt
staff office. The volunteer gets many benefits, comes under the umbrella of the Arab
including health insurance, and transportation countries, as it follows the United Nations
allowance, and all of that helps him get a job Development Program. Egypt is the third
in the future. Volunteering within the United country in the number of volunteers,
Nations gives its owner the United Nations according to the regional office concerned
experiences from the language used, the way with the Arab countries only and not
of writing research and documents, and the globally. Lebanon, Sudan, and then Egypt
way of thinking. Each organization has a are at the forefront.
specific school that works on applying it. 6- What is the importance of the role that
Undoubtedly, building relationships is one of volunteering plays in the development
the most important features within the United process? Is it a primary or secondary role?
Nations work environment. Volunteering is Volunteering is indispensable, volunteering
from 18 to 80 years old. Volunteering for contributes to the development of communities
young people is from 18 to 26 years old and by achieving sustainable development goals. At
does not require much experience. Simulation the end of each end, there is a summary of the
participation of volunteers in achieving the
models are one of the important experiences
sustainable development goals and how to
that can be written in previous experiences if
participate in achieving each goal. There is
you want to volunteer within the United
information that explains how the participation
Nations. It does not depend on whether you
of volunteers is. Volunteers are working on
are in a simulation model or a student activity, health issues, for example: during the Corona
but it depends on what role you are playing. period, the number of volunteers increased
There are many online volunteering significantly to limit the spread of the
opportunities, and it depends on the time Coronavirus. They were receiving treatment, and
available for each person the task is simple developing response plans for the Corona crisis.
and clearly defined and there is no contract. Volunteers are working to help farmers in rural
areas improve agricultural methods. There is
This opportunity can be inside or outside
scientific participation in large projects such as
Egypt and it is a short-term duty that does not
reducing climate change. There are volunteers in
require long-term commitment and the
old age who develop strategies and response
volunteer gets a certificate at the end
plans and monitor information, in addition to
5- What is Egypt’s position about the the presence of cadres of volunteers who provide
United Nations office globally? Is it one of training for young people, such as: in the United
the countries that provide a large number of Nations Population Fund and the Peer
Education Network. There are trainings in
fferent fields to give them skills and not limited
The headquarters of the United Nations
to a specific field. Such as communication,
Volunteers Office is located in Germany, and
health, environment, awareness, and personal
the headquarters of the agencies are either in capacity building. In the United Nations Climate
New York or in Bonn, Germany. There are 6 Conference hosted by Egypt last year, COP 27,
regional offices for the United Nations
Volunteers Office. There is a certain division
for the countries of the world. For example,
there is an office for the Arab countries and an