Page 9 - Issue 60
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Vol.1 Issue 60 OCTOBER  2023                                ELITE

                            FEPS holds a seminar entitled Forced Displacement and development
                                challenges  in Africa , with the presence of Dr. Amai El-Tawil

                         Editor: Rana Ahmed Farouk

            Dr.  Hala  Al-Rashidi,  Director  of  the which  is  witnessing  an  increase

            Center  for  Research,  Political  Studies            in  the  number  of  forcibly
            and Dialogue of Cultures, initiated the               displaced  for  various  reasons,

            seminar  by  thanking  Professor  Hanan               including  armed  conflicts,  the
            Ali, Acting Dean, Ambassador Namira
                                                                  spread              of            terrorist
            Najm,       director       of    the     African
                                                                  organizations,  or  scarcity  of
            Observatory for Migration and former
                                                                  resources.           Further,            she
            legal adviser to the African Union, and
                                                                  indicated  the  importance  of
            professor Amani Tawil, African affairs
                                                                  distinguishing           between         the
            expert  at  the  Al-Ahram  Center  for
            Political  and  Strategic  Studies.  She              concept  of  forced  displacement

            then  began  to  talk  about  the  topic  of          and illegal migration, as well as
            the      seminar,       which        is    forced the  legal  status  of  Internally

            displacement  and  the  challenges  it Displaced  Persons,  which  is
            poses       to     the     phenomenon            of   different  from  the  irregular

            development in the African continent,                 migrant.  Additionally,  she  also

                                                                  stated  that  we  will  discuss

                                                                  international  policies  in  this

                                                                  area  in  addition  to  the  role  of

                                                                  the African Observatory.

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