Page 6 - Issue 60
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Vol.1 Issue 60 OCTOBER  2023                                ELITE

             2-How  was  your  relationship  with  the           3-  How  and  when  did  Dr.  Heba  start
             professors  and  the  simulation  models?  And      working  at  the  United  Nations?  And

             how  did  that  contribute  to  the  future  in  the  how did she reach this position?
             practical life?                                     I  worked  early  in  the  Decision  Support
             Simulation models have played and still play an     Center  of  the  Council  of  Ministers  for
             important  role  in  influencing  the  individual’s  five  years,  but  there  was  a  passion  for
             personality  and  formation,  as  they  facilitate  development  and  volunteering  with
             effective  communication  with  others  and  build  international organizations. I went to the
             good  relationships  quickly  and  easily.  Student  United Nations Volunteers Center, where
             activities enhance the research and organization    I was a volunteer at first and participated
             skills of students, as they give us strength during  in one of the volunteer camps, then after
             the  interview  when  applying  for  a  job.  They  that,  I  worked  at  UNICEF,  and  the
             make us engage in negotiations and dialogue on      German      Society    for    International
             many issues that occur a lot in the labor market.   Cooperation,  and  then  after  that,  I
                                                                 returned to the United Nations as a state
                                                                 4-  What  opportunities  does  the  office

                                                                 provide to volunteers? And what is the
                                                                 work of the office?
                                                                 The office works to provide opportunities
                                                                 for  volunteers  to  work  on  achieving  the
                                                                 United  Nations  goals.  There  are  about

                                                                 200  volunteers  in  17  agencies  working
                                                                 under  the  umbrella  of  the  United
             The  relationship  with  the  professors  is        Nations. Volunteering is the main goal of
             characterized  by  the  absence  of  any  kind  of  the  office,  as  it  contributes  to  achieving
             authority between the teacher and the student.      the  United  Nations  goals  through
             Even  once,  a  professor  took  us  to  the  opera  working  on  various  topics.  There  are

             house to watch a play. It was a unique and first-   volunteers in research, environment, and
             time  experience.  In  addition  to  learning  from  communication,  and  recently  volunteers
             Dr.  Hoda  Abdel  Nasser,  the  daughter  of  the   have  been  working  on  the  developments
             former president, it was a different experience.    of what is happening in Gaza, and this is
             She  provided  us  with  comfort  in  the  lecture.  of interest to (the United Nations Office
             Even once, she made an exam and allowed us to       for  the  Coordination  of  Humanitarian
             open the book. We learned from the professors       Affairs,  and  the  United  Nations  Relief
             that  there  is  nothing  wrong  with  the  analysis.  and   Works   Agency     for   Palestine
             All  the  analyses  are  correct.  But  each  of  us  Refugees).   Volunteering   within    the
             looks  from  a  different  angle.  And  certainly,  United      Nations     differs    because
             both  Dr.  Ali  El-Din  Hilal  and  Dr.  Ahmed      volunteering can be a full day with an
             Youssef Ahmed - they are one of the distinctive
             signs  of  the  faculty  -  influenced  the  way  of
             thinking of the students.

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