Page 10 - Issue 60
P. 10

Vol.1 Issue 60 OCTOBER  2023                                ELITE

            Then  the  floor  passed  to  Dr.  Hanan, As for the African continent,

            who  defined  forced  displacement  as  a            this  phenomenon  poses  a
            case  of  harsh  conditions  that  force
                                                                 threat  to  the  development
            individuals to leave their homes because
                                                                 process in two ways: the first
            of armed conflicts, natural disasters, or
                                                                 is  the  diversion  of  a  huge
            any  other  reason.  This  results  in

            exposing  the  displaced  to  further                amount of resources spent on
            difficulties  in  finding  safe  shelter,  and forced  displacement  instead

            basic  needs  of  water,  food,  and  health         of allocating them to achieve
            care. That’s why this issue is considered            sustainable              development

            one  of  the  most  pressing  issues  in  the
                                                                 goals,  and  the  second  is  the
            world.  In  that  regard,  the  United
                                                                 wasted         human          potential,
            Nations       High       Commissioner          for
                                                                 where  highly  skilled  people
            Refugees announced that the number of

            displaced  and  refugees  due  to  wars,             are depleted in the search for
            persecution,  and  violence  is  likely  to Maoist  and  safe  housing

            reach  114  million  in  2023.  The  most            instead  of  using  their  skills,
            important causes of displacement in the
                                                                 so traditional solutions must
            first  half  of  the  year  2023  were  as  a
                                                                 be  found  to  face  this
            result  of  the  war  in  Ukraine,  Sudan,
            Democratic Congo, and Somalia

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