Page 15 - Issue 60
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Vol.1 Issue 60 OCTOBER  2023                                ELITE

           Moving  to  Dr.  Dina,  she  presented  a than 50 thousand Egyptian pounds. As
           PowerPoint  presentation  including  all a  motivating  symbol  for  the  disabled,
           the charters, conferences, constitutional Dr.  Dina  mentioned  Rahma  Khaled  a

           articles  and  laws  that  acknowledge  the very  successful  TV  Anchor  with  down
           distinct  rights  of  the  disabled.  She syndrome,  who  has  a  very  successful

           started by saying the percentages of the career  and  how  it  is  really  possible  for
           disabled  in  Egypt  specifically  and the  disabled  to  achieve  their  dreams

           dividing  them  according  to  gender  and with  a  strong  will  and  motivation.  She
           their working abilities. She stressed the also  emphasized  the  fact  that  the

           fact  that  the  3rd  of  December  is  the President  gives  his  full  support  to  the
           “International  Day  of  Persons  with cause  and  he  sees  the  disabled  as  a
           Disabilities” and how it’s crucial for the priority  in  the  policies  he  recommends

           disabled  to  learn  about  their  rights  as and implements. She also pointed to the
           the  “true  treasure  of  Egypt”.  She  also civil  service  law  and  how  the  disabled

           mentioned         the     most      important are  allowed  by  the  rule  of  law  to  hold
           constitutional  articles  talking  about leadership positions if they are qualified

           their  health,  economic,  social,  cultural for the matter.
           and sports rights. Dr. Dina talked about
           the severe laws that punish bullying as it The  floor  was  now  open  for  Dr.

           is a real detriment to the success of the Ibrahim  to  speak.  He  started  by
           disabled;  the  law  states  that  bullies praising  the  idea  of  such  an  important

           would be sentenced to at least two years panel  and  how  important  it  is  for  the
           in prison and a financial penalty to less  disabled  students  to  feel  supported  by

                                                             our  faculty.  He  talked  about  the
                                                             establishing of the Student Council and
                                                             Support  Unit  in  2016  and  then

                                                             underscored  the  important  ways  the
                                                             unit has helped and is currently helping

                                                             the disabled with. He gave thanks to his
                                                             colleagues in the unit and their efforts to

                                                             make the students’ transitions smoothly.
                                                             The unit has a database

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