Page 14 - Issue 60
P. 14
Vol.1 Issue 60 OCTOBER 2023 ELITE
The discussion started with Dr. Eman,
acknowledging the students in
attendance and clarifying the intended
terminology of “the disabled” as the
official word for that group in the eyes
of the law and it is not derogatory as it
might be perceived. She went on to
mention all the positive ways that
disabled people are empowered in Egypt
according to the 2014 constitution, the
new initiatives and agreements Egypt
has signed to integrate them not only in unstoppable. Moreover, the National
the society, but in work places and Council for Persons with Disabilities
more. Dr. Eman mentioned the United (NCPD) is an independent party in civil
Nations Disability and Development society that aims at maintaining the
Act in 2019 and how important it was in dignity of the disabled and tries to
defining the percentages of disabled include them in strategies and plans
people all over the world and how regarding 14 out of the 17 SDGs. It
exactly they are involved in the SDGs works according to the laws and
She also acknowledged the challenges to agreements that Egypt has signed off
the social and economic integration of on. Dr. Eman presented very helpful
the disabled in several regions, she ways to aid our disabled friends from
stressed the point that generally, it university including helping with the
might not always the “disability” itself “Daisy” application that turns the
that is holding them back, but rather the university curriculum from written
“disabling environment” in which they words to audios to help blind students.
live, that happens due pollution, lack of This initiative is a collaboration
education and healthcare services and between the NCPD and Cairo
other factors. She also underscored the University, I personally asked the Dr.
fact that what distinguishes Egypt’s about how to volunteer for that and she
efforts is its “political will” that is said that if anyone wanted to help, the
determined to achieve the highest levels required information would be available
of integration of the disabled. The at Dr. Hala’s office.
political will combined with an active
civil society would make Egypt