Page 13 - Issue 60
P. 13

Vol.1 Issue 60 OCTOBER  2023                                ELITE

                            A Discussion Panel On The Disabled and SDGs

                             Salma El Bukhari - Junior - Poli Sci Major -

           On the 28th of November 2023, on the speakers, there was Dr. Eman Kareem,

           grounds the Faculty of Economics and the  General  Secretary  of  the  National
           Political science, the Centre for Political Council  for  Persons  with  Disabilities,
           Research  and  Studies  in  cooperation along with Dr. Ghada Helmy, the editor

           with  the  National  Council  for  Persons in  chief  of  the  Human  Rights’  Studies
           with Disabilities held a discussion panel Journal  in  the  State  Information

           in  Sawiris  Hall.  The  discussion  panel Service. There was also Dr. Ibrahim Al
           had  great  importance  as  its  title  was Menshawy, Lecturer of Political Science

           “Integrating the disabled and involving and the director of the Student Council
           them  in  the  achievement  of  the and Support Unit in the faculty. Lastly,

           Sustainable         Development          Goals there  was  Dr.  Marwa  Al  Beltagy  the
           (SDGs)”.                                           Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and
                                                              Scientific Research.

           The  discussion  panel  consisted  of
           several  significant  names  in  the  faculty The discussion started with Dr. Marwa

           along with esteemed professional guests presenting  the  guest  speakers  in  the
           specializing  in  the  integration  of  the discussion  while  noting  the  importance
           disabled. The director of the panel was of  the  panel  and  then  introducing  the

           Dr.  Hala  Ahmed  Al  Rashidy,  an director, Dr. Hala to take the lead.
           assistant  professor  of  Political  Science

           and International Law and the director
           of the Centre for Political Research and
           Studies. In attendance and primary

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