Page 31 - Issue 56
P. 31

ELITE                                             VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023

               In addition, the themes of these songs          study  music  and  in  most  cases  did
               spread  negativity  and  conspiratorial         not  obtain  an  above  middle

               views,  as  all  human  beings  are             certification.
               characterized  by  treachery,  which            Overall,  if  we  look  at  these  songs;
               enables  the  conspiratorial  thinking          We will find that it presents a group

               method  of  the  youth's  mentality             of  negative  values    that  negatively
               towards       society,      whether        its  affected     the    Egyptian       artistic
               individuals  or  institutions.  And  with       community,  and  harmed  public

               the growing popularity of the makers            taste  a  lot,  and  we  must  stand  in
               of this artistic content and their huge         front of this phenomenon, and deal
               amounts  of  money;  The  spirit  of            with it critically in order to mitigate

               despair  spreads  among  holders  of            its damage.
               higher  technical  and  non-technical

               qualifications  by  comparing  their
               conditions  with  the  conditions  of
               festival content makers who did not

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