Page 32 - Issue 56
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ELITE                                             VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023

             Our  story  starts  fifteen  years  ago, proclaimed  when  they  decided  on  a

             when  Christopher  Nolan’s  The  Dark double                feature     in    the    cinemas;
             Knight  hit  the  cinemas  worldwide Oppenheimer  is  for  the  giggles  and

             alongside  of  Mamma  Mia!  in  a Barbie  is  for  the  deep  philosophical
             showcase  of  true  dichotomy  of  taste. content.
             Now  in  2023,  Christopher  Nolan’s

             new           philosophical           biopic As a reporter of the truth, I had to find
             Oppenheimer         faced      off     Greta out about the cinematic experience for

             Gerwig’s  Barbie.  This  isn’t  Greta’s myself.  The  conclusion  I  drew  from
             first retelling of a famous creation; she both experiences was the same in some
             previously  wrote  and  directed  “Little ways  but  immensely  different  at  the

             Women”.                                         same      time.    Oppenheimer         is    an
                                                             opportunity  to  rethink  your  humanity

             The      release      of     Barbie      and and  the  relationship  between  your
             Oppenheimer  on  the  same  day  was actions  and  their  consequences.  The

             bound to cause the same realization of complexity of Oppenheimer’s character
             how  different  inclinations  could  be. and  his  role  -or  lack  thereof  as  Harry

             People  thought  that  Oppenheimer  is Truman  expressed-  in  the  Hiroshima
             about  the  father  of  the  atomic  bomb and           Nagasaki       war      crimes     was
             while  Barbie  is  about  some  plastic enthralling  to  say  the  least.  Likewise,

             airhead doll. But as Gen Z                      Barbie is an experience

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