Page 33 - Issue 56
P. 33

ELITE                                             VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023

                                                              “She’s everything. He’s just Ken”. A

                                                              crucial message that is not at all how
                                                              it  seems.  It  is  not  a  vicious  kick  at
                                                              men, it’s not a man-hating statement,

                                                              in  fact,  it  means  the  complete
                                                              opposite. The Barbie movie took the

                                                              patriarchy  and  turned  it  into  a
                                                              matriarchy  to  prove  a  point  but  the
                                                              message  did  not  completely  get

                                                              through to some.

             where women question their place in

             the world, and for men to question               In  my  humble  opinion,  both  movies
             their contribution to the current                are really special and important. But

             society we live in. Even though the              I  couldn’t  help  but  relate  more  to
             vibes of the two movies are entirely             Barbie  as  a  woman  first  and

             different; Oppenheimer was serious               foremost.  The  portrayal  of  the
             and solemn while Barbie was                      patriarchy  and  Barbieland  in  a

             satirical and subtle in its messages.            sarcastic, joke filled environment is a
                                                              stroke  of  genius.  Because  you’re
                                                              genuinely  laughing  but  having  an
             The Oppenheimer plot twist was

             revealed in such a significant and               existential crisis at the same time. The
             dare I say immaculate way; a                     Barbies that get it, get it, the Barbies

             complete illustration that the truth             that don’t, don’t.
             prevails in the end, but Barbie’s plot

             twist was revealed with the poster of
             the movie

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