Page 38 - Issue 56
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ELITE                                             VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023

                                 Death of Putin’s chef : unexped?

        Rana Ahmed Farouk- political science- fourth year-

             Yevgeny  Prigozhin  also  known  as  Putin's  Cook..  But  soon  that  changed,  as  that  close  relationship
             Was his rebellion really unexpected? To answer this  turned  into  another  one  dominated  by  suspicion
             question I would like to give a quick overview about  and  betrayal,  after  his  participation  and  his
             him at first.                                    soldiers-some  were  previous  prisoners  -  in  the
             In  that  context,  I  will  refer  to  his  history,  which  Russian-Ukrainian  invasion  and  losing  some  of
             began from his birth a year 1961 in St. Petersburg,  them in the battle. Prigozhin accused his country's
             through the period of his youth, some of which he  army  of  abandoning  him  for  lack  of  support,
             spent in prison after he was arrested in cases of theft  obstructing  the  access  of  weapons  to  them,  and
             and fraud and sentenced to thirteen years in prison,  even working to destroy and kill his soldiers, so he
             of which he served nine, and then he was pardoned a  declared  rebellion  against  the  Russian  army,
             year 1988 his life witnessed a pivotal transformation  declaring his desire to go to Moscow to punish the
             by  entering  the  world  of  business,  which  he  Army  leaders  involved,  and  the  punishment  was
             gradually started by being a salesman and a worker  dropped from Prigozhin, but in the matter of what
             in the food industry until he became the owner of a  happened,  his  plane  was  shot  down  almost  two
             chain of restaurants frequented by Putin, and this he  months after he declared his rebellion.
             became  the  one  who  served  food  to  Putin's  official  After  this  quick  presentation,  i  shall  leave  the
             guests from presidents and Kings, until he got richer  answer  to  the  reader,  and  even  ask  further
             and  became  a  caterer  for  official  events  in  The  questions  ..Why  be  surprised  by  that  almost
             Kremlin has become the main supplier of the army,  inevitable  ending?  what  did  we  expect  from  a
             and the most important is the creation of a private  former  prisoner  who  formed  his  army  relying  on
             security  company  -  Wagner  -  which  played   other prisoners.
             important  and  influential  roles  in  changing  the    Finally,  I  think  that  the  lesson  learned  is  to
             course  of  Russian  military  operations,  such  as  its  crystallize  and  restore  the  importance  of  the
             participation  in  the  process  of  controlling  the  National Army to the minds, and here I remember
             Crimean  Peninsula  2014  for  example,  it  also  Machiavelli   and   his   contributions   against
             continued  to  support  Russian  troops  outside  the  mercenaries.
             borders,  especially  on  the  African  continent.
             Actually Prigozhin had Putin's support through out
             this period.
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